7 releases
0.3.3 | Jun 16, 2024 |
0.3.2 | Jun 16, 2024 |
0.3.1 | Jan 1, 2024 |
0.2.0 | Oct 30, 2023 |
0.1.0 | May 5, 2023 |
#36 in Programming languages
204 downloads per month
Used in 12 crates
(6 directly)
piccolo - An experimental stackless Lua VM implemented in pure Rust
(After four years, now UN-paused!)
Project Goals, in roughly descending priority:
- Be an arguably working, useful Lua interpreter.
- Be an easy way to confidently sandbox untrusted Lua scripts.
- Be resilient against DoS from untrusted scripts (scripts should not be able to cause the interpreter to panic or use an unbounded amount of memory and should be guaranteed to return control to the caller in some bounded amount of time).
- Be an easy way to bind Rust APIs to Lua safely, with a bindings system that is resilient against weirdness and edge cases, and with user types that can safely participate in runtime garbage collection.
- Be pragmatically compatible with some version(s) of PUC-Rio Lua.
- Don't be obnoxiously slow (for example, avoid abstractions that would make the interpreter fundamentally slower than PUC-Rio Lua).
API Instability
Expect frequent pre-1.0 API breakage, this crate is still very experimental. All API incompatible changes will be accompanied by minor version bumps, but these will be very common.
The goal with piccolo
is to have the majority of it written in safe Rust.
Currently, there are a few sources of unsafety, but crucially these sources
of unsafety are isolated. piccolo
will avoid at all costs relying on
abstractions which leak unsafety, it should always be possible to interact
with even low level details of piccolo
without using unsafe
The current primary sources of unsafety:
- The particularly weird requirements of Lua tables require using hashbrown's low level RawTable API.
- Userdata requires a very delicate unsafe lifetime dance to deal with downcasting non-'static userdata with a safe interface.
- Unsafe code is required to avoid fat pointers in several Lua types, to keep
as small as possible and allow potential future smallerValue
makes no attempt yet to guard against side channel attacks like
spectre, so even if the VM is memory safe, running untrusted scripts may carry
additional risk. With no JIT or callback API to accurately measure time, this
might be practically impossible anwyay.)
A unique system for Rust <-> GC interaction
The garbage collector system for piccolo
is now in its own repo, and also on crates.io. See the
README in the linked repo for more detail about the GC design.
has a real, cycle detecting, incremental garbage collector with
zero-cost Gc
pointers (they are machine pointer sized and implement Copy
that are usable from safe Rust. It achieves this by combining two things:
- An unsafe
trait which allows tracing through garbage collected types that, despite being unsafe, can be implemented safely using procedural macros. - Branding
pointers by unique, invariant "generative" lifetimes to ensure that such pointers are isolated to a single root object, and to guarantee that, outside an active call tomutate
, all such pointers are either reachable from the root object or are safe to collect.
Stackless VM
The mutate
based GC API means that long running calls to mutate
can be
problematic. No garbage collection can take place during a call to mutate
, so
we have to make sure to regularly return from the mutate
call to allow garbage
collection to take place.
The VM in piccolo
is thus written in what is sometimes called "stackless"
or "trampoline" style. It does not rely on the rust stack for Lua -> Rust and
Rust -> Lua nesting, instead callbacks can either have some kind of immediate
result (return values, yield values from a coroutine, resume a thread, error),
or they can produce a Sequence
. A Sequence
is a bit like a Future
that it is a multi-step operation that the parent Executor
will drive to
completion. Executor
will repeatedly call Sequence::poll
until the sequence
is complete, and the Sequence
can yield values and call arbitrary Lua
functions while it is being polled.
As an example, it is of course possible for Lua to call a Rust callback, which
then in turn creates a new Lua coroutine and runs it. In order to do so, a
callback would take a Lua function as a parameter, then create a new coroutine
from it and return SequencePoll:Resume
to run it. The outer main
will run the created Thread
, and when it is finished it will
"return" via Sequence::poll
(or Sequence::error
). This is exactly how the
Lua stdlib function is implemented.
As another example, pcall
is easy to implement here, a callback can call the
provided function with a Sequence
underneath it, and the sequence can catch
the error and return the error status.
Yet another example, imagine Rust code calling a Lua coroutine thread which
calls a Rust Sequence
which calls yet more Lua code which then yields. Our
stack will look something like this:
[Rust] -> [Lua Coroutine] -> [Rust Sequence] -> [Lua code that yields]
This is no problem with this VM style, the inner Rust callback is paused as a
, and the inner yield will return the value all the way to the top
level Rust code. When the coroutine thread is resumed and eventually returns,
the Rust Sequence
will be resumed.
With any number of nested Lua threads and Sequence
s, control will always
continuously return outside the GC arena and to the outer Rust code driving
everything. This is the "trampoline" here, when using this interpreter,
somewhere there is a loop that is continuously calling Arena::mutate
, and it can stop or pause or change tasks at any time, not
requiring unwinding the Rust stack.
This "stackless" style has many benefits, it allows for concurrency patterns that are difficult in some other VMs (like tasklets), and makes the VM much more resilient against untrusted script DoS.
The downside of the "stackless" style is that sometimes writing things as a
is much more difficult than writing in normal, straight control
flow. It would be great if async Rust / generators could help here someday, to
allow for painlessly implementing Sequence
, but there are several current
compiler limitations that make this currently infeasible or so unergonomic that
it is no longer worth it.
Executor "fuel" and VM memory tracking
The stackless VM style "periodically" returns control to the outer Rust code driving everything, and how often this happens can be controlled using the "fuel" system.
Lua and Lua driven callback code always happens within some call to
. This method takes a fuel
parameter which controls how long
the VM should run before pausing, with fuel measured (roughly) in units of VM
Different amounts of fuel provided to Executor::step
bound the amount of Lua
execution that can occur, bounding both the CPU time used and also the amount of
memory allocation that can occur within a single Executor::step
call (assuming
certain rules are followed w.r.t. provided callbacks).
The VM also now accurately tracks all memory allocated within its inner
using gc-arena
memory tracking features. This can extend
to userdata and userdata APIs, and assuming the correct rules are follwed in
exposed userdata and callbacks, allows for accurate memory reporting and memory
Assuming that both of these mechanisms work correctly, and assuming that all
callback / userdata APIs also follow the same rules, this allows for completely
sandboxing untrusted scripts not only in memory safety and API access but also
in CPU and RAM usage. These are big assumptions though, and piccolo
is still
very much WIP, so ensuring this is done correctly is an ongoing effort.
What currently works
- An actual cycle detecting, incremental GC similar to the incremental collector in PUC-Rio Lua 5.3 / 5.4
- Lua source code is compiled to a VM bytecode similar to PUC-Rio Lua's, and there are a complete set of VM instructions implemented
- Almost all of the core Lua language works. Some tricky Lua features that
currently actually work:
- Real closures with proper upvalue handling
- Proper tail calls
- Variable arguments and returns and generally proper vararg (
) handling - Coroutines, including yielding that is transparent to Rust callbacks
- Gotos with label handling that matches Lua 5.3 / 5.4
- Proper _ENV handling
- Metatables and metamethods, including fully recursive metamethods that
trigger other metamethods (Not all metamethods implemented yet, particularly
- A robust Rust callback system with sequencing callbacks that don't block the interpreter and allow calling into and returning from Lua without using the Rust stack.
- Garbage collected "userdata" with safe downcasting.
- Some of the stdlib (most of the more core, fundamental parts of the stdlib are
implemented, e.g. things like the
, most everything that exposes some fundamental runtime feature is implemented). - A simple REPL (try it with
cargo run --example interpreter
What currently doesn't work
- A large amount of the stdlib is not implemented yet. Most "peripheral" parts
of the stdlib are this way, the
, andutf8
libs are either missing or very sparsely implemented. - There is no support yet for finalization.
supports finalization in such a way now that it should be possible to implement__gc
metamethods with resurrection and tables with weak keys / values and ephemeron tables fully, but it has not been done yet. Currently, the__gc
metamethod has no effect. - The compiled VM code is in a couple of ways worse than what PUC-Rio Lua will generate. Notably, there is a JMP chaining optimization that is not yet implemented that makes most loops much slower than in PUC-Rio Lua.
- Error messages that don't make you want to cry
- Stack traces
- Debugger
- Aggressive optimization and real effort towards ensuring that it matches PUC-Rio Lua's performance in all cases.
- Probably much more I've forgotten about
What will probably never be implemented
This is not an exhaustive list, but these are some things which I currently consider almost definite non-goals.
- An API compatible with the PUC-Rio Lua C API. It would be amazingly difficult to implement and would be very slow, and some of it would be basically impossible (longjmp error handling and adjacent behavior).
- Perfect compatibility with certain classes of behavior in PUC-Rio Lua:
- PUC-Rio Lua behaves differently on systems depending on the OS, environment,
compilation settings, system locale, etc. (In certain versions of PUC-Rio Lua,
even the behavior of the lexer changes depending on the system locale!)
is more or less aiming to emulate PUC-Rio Lua behavior with the "C" locale set with the default settings inluaconf.h
on 64-bit Linux. - The specific format of error messages.
- The specific iteration order of tables, and the specific behavior of the length operator (the length operator currently functions correctly and will always return a table "border", but for tables that are not sequences, the choice of border that is returned may differ).
- PUC-Rio Lua behaves differently on systems depending on the OS, environment,
compilation settings, system locale, etc. (In certain versions of PUC-Rio Lua,
even the behavior of the lexer changes depending on the system locale!)
- The
library is unimplemented and much of it will probably never be implemented due to fundamental VM differences. - Compatibility with PUC-Rio Lua bytecode
and other weirdness inherited from Cpackage.loadlib
and all functionality which allows loading C libraries.- Perfectly matching all of the (sometimes quite exotic) garbage collector corner case behavior in PUC-Rio Lua.
Why is it called 'piccolo'?
It's a cute little "pico" Lua, get it?
It's not really all that "pico", but it's still a cute little instrument you can safely carry with you anywhere!
Wasn't this project called something else? Luster? Deimos?
There was an embarassing naming kerfluffle where I somehow ended up with other people's project names twice. They're all the same project. I promise I'm done renaming it.
is licensed under either of:
- MIT license LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication LICENSE-CC0 or https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
at your option.
~53K SLoC