#header #bindings #informer #winapi #definition #native #process


Rust bindings to the System Informer’s (formerly known as Process Hacker) phnt native Windows headers

2 releases

0.0.26 Apr 17, 2024
0.0.25 Apr 12, 2024

#1241 in Rust patterns

41 downloads per month
Used in windows-syscall

MIT license

53K SLoC

phnt: Rust bindings to the System Informer's phnt

phnt GitHub Actions phnt on crates.io phnt on docs.rs

This crate provides Rust with access to the System Informer's (formerly known as Process Hacker) native Windows headers (shortened to phnt) which provide type definitions, constants, macros as well as function prototypes to even undocumented functions and syscalls.

Feature Description
regenerate Regenerate bindings from phnt (nightly) source code.
(default) Pre-generated bindings are used for faster builds.

Crate Overview

crate version: 0.0.25 - unstable api


~412K SLoC