15 releases

0.9.0 Jan 24, 2021
0.8.1 Dec 25, 2020
0.7.16 Nov 26, 2020

#1076 in Encoding

Used in persia-rpc




use std::borrow::Cow;
use persia_speedy::{Readable, Writable, Endianness};

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Readable, Writable)]
enum Enum {

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Readable, Writable)]
struct Struct< 'a > {
    number: u64,
    string: String,
    vector: Vec< u8 >,
    cow: Cow< 'a, [i64] >,
    float: f32,
    enumeration: Enum

fn main() {
    let original = Struct {
        number: 0x12345678ABCDEF00,
        string: "A totally pointless string".to_owned(),
        vector: vec![ 1, 2, 3 ],
        cow: Cow::Borrowed( &[ 4, 5, 6 ] ),
        float: 3.1415,
        enumeration: Enum::C

    let endian = Endianness::LittleEndian;
    let bytes = original.write_to_vec_with_ctx( endian ).unwrap();
    let deserialized: Struct =
        Struct::read_from_buffer_with_ctx( endian, &bytes ).unwrap();

    assert_eq!( original, deserialized );

Field attributes

#[persia_speedy(length = ...)]

Can be used on most standard containers to specify the field's length. Can refer to any of the previous fields.

For example:

use persia_speedy::{Readable, Writable};

#[derive(Readable, Writable)]
struct Struct {
    byte_count: u8,
    #[speedy(length = byte_count / 4)]
    data: Vec< u32 >

Before serializing you need to make sure that whatever is set as length is equal to the .len() of the field; if it's not then you will get an error when trying to serialize it.

Setting this attribute changes the serialization format as follows:

Type Serialized as
Vec<T> [T]
Cow<'a, [T]> [T]
String [u8]
Cow<'a, str> [u8]
HashMap<K, V> [K, V]
BTreeMap<K, V> [K, V]
HashSet<T> [T]
BTreeSet<T> [T]

#[speedy(length_type = ...)]

Can be used to specify the exact size of the implicit length field of a container as it is read or written.

Possible values:

  • u7 (same as u8, but restricted to 7 bits for u64_varint compatibility)
  • u8
  • u16
  • u32 (default)
  • u64_varint


Skips a given field when reading and writing.


If an EOF is encountered when reading this field its value will be set to the default value for its type and the EOF will be ignored.

#[speedy(constant_prefix = ...)]

Specifies a static string of bytes which will be written or has to be present when reading before a given field.

Enum attributes

#[speedy(tag_type = ...)]

Can be used to specify the exact size of the enum's tag as it is read or written.

Possible values:

  • u7 (same as u8, but restricted to 7 bits for u64_varint compatibility)
  • u8
  • u16
  • u32 (default)
  • u64_varint


An enum marked with this attribute will not consume its tag value when reading from a stream, nor will it write its own tag when writing.

Enum variant attributes

#[speedy(tag = ...)]

Specifies a preset tag value to be used for a given enum variant.


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~113K SLoC