#input-file #execution #configured #parallel #outputs #multiple #chains

app pchain

PChain is a command program that chains multiple executions of programs in parallel passing inputs and outputs between then as configured in a PCH file

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 19, 2022

#7 in #configured


625 lines


PChain is a command program that chains multiple executions of programs in parallel passing inputs and outputs between then as configured in a PCH file.

ICH Setup Specification




>arg1 arg2


This setup will pass to program_two as argument the output from origin of program using the method of passing the value(s).


Is the name from what program the value(s) will be coming.


Is the way the value(s) will be passed. If it is not configured the default is all.

Options are:

  • all

    groups in one line the whole output.

  • each

    pass line by line the expected output.

  • nth

    gets the line of the specified number.


Is from what source the value(s) will be coming. If it is not configured the default is out.

Options are:

  • out

    comes from stdout.

  • err

    comes from stderr.


>arg1 arg2 "arg with space"

This ICH setup starts

prog1 and pass three arguments arg1, arg2 and "arg with space".

>--input file.txt


This ICH setup starts prog1 and pass two arguments --input and file.txt. In parallel the prog2 will be started and will wait to prog1 to end and will pass all the output of prog1 into the input of prog2.


~311K SLoC