#devices #i2c #real-time-clock #pi #interact

bin+lib pcf8523

A library to interact with PCF8523 devices

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jul 25, 2019

#11 in #real-time-clock

MIT license

66 lines

PCF8523 for Rust

PCF8523 on Travis CI

This project aims to be a simple pure-rust I/O library for the PCF8523 series of I2C real-time clocks.

It's specifically developed using the Adafruit PCF8523 RTC for Rasperry Pi breakout, for which there is a brief example program shown.



Pcf8523 is a crate which abstracts away managing a PCF8523 device on an I2C bus. You can read the time and write the time, and someday in the future do other configuration tasks as well.


~56K SLoC