#pdf #parser #version


A library for parsing PDF files

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Apr 29, 2023

#157 in #pdf




patientia is a Rust library for parsing PDF files.

WARNING: This library is not ready for production use! If you just want a general-purpose PDF-parsing library, please look elsewhere. This library is incomplete, and it is not yet able to parse most PDF files. And until version 1.0, each version change will include breaking API changes, so if you do choose to use this as a dependency in your own project, please pin the version exactly.


The name "patientia" comes from the Latin word for "patience", a personal quality needed when dealing with frustrating nightmares like the PDF specification and real-world PDF files.

Version 0.1.0 of this library was written when the author had very little experience with Rust, so the API is kind of a pain to use. Thanks to the lessons learned from writing this initial version, future versions will have a much more ergonomic API.


patientia is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.


~17K SLoC