PathTree is used at run time in 31 crates (of which 5 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 18 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 6 crates (of which 3 directly).

Number of dependers PathTree version Downloads/month
1 0.8.2 260
14 0.8.1 20K
10 0.7.7 2.4K
3 0.2.2 200
9 0.1.12 900
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) PathTree version
3.1K proksi ^0.8.2
650 2 viz-router ^0.8
3 intrepid-core ^0.8.1
2 inexor-rgf-rt ^0.7
1 satex-matcher ^0.7
actix-web-nextjs ^0.8.1
enrgy ^0.1
lilguy ^0.8.0
actix-web-nextjs-spa ^0.7.2
trek-router ^0.1
waserv ^0.1
webworker ^0.1
valor-rs >=0.1.12, <0.2.0
1 valor-lib >=0.1.12, <0.2.0
130 scuffle-utils optional ^0.7
1 hyper-simple-server optional ^0.2.2
tophat optional ^0.1.12
1 valor_core optional ^0.1.12
8.2M 67 matchit dev ^0.8
180 pavex_matchit dev ^0.2.2
1 wayfind dev =0.8.1