8 releases
0.0.10 | Apr 13, 2021 |
0.0.9 | Dec 12, 2020 |
0.0.7 | Nov 15, 2020 |
0.0.3 | Oct 7, 2020 |
0.0.2 | Sep 14, 2020 |
#2 in #accord
- Status:
- alpha
- in production for my use only
- covers only a small part of the API
- Releases:
- see the releases tab for tagged releases
- no pre-built binaries yet, build from source
- or with
cargo install passcod-accord --locked
- License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
- “Uhhh... this isn't a software license?”
- Indeed. It still functions as a “work” license.
- It's not open source!
- Yes, this is by design.
- What if I want to use it in a commercial context?
- “Uhhh... this isn't a software license?”
- Contribute: you can!
- This project uses Caretaker Maintainership.
- Areas in need of love: everywhere.
- More descriptive erroring and warnings would help lots!
- Basic response timing stats could be helpful!
- Anywhere there's a TODO comment...
- Some example applications would be ace!
- And of course, handling of more events is most welcome.
To get started, stand up a server (for example, a PHP standalone server that
routes everything to index.php
: php -S index.php
) and add
its address to the ACCORD_TARGET
environment variable.
Then add your bot's discord token to DISCORD_TOKEN
, and start Accord.
Accord will now make a request to your server whenever an event occurs on Discord that your bot can see.
Caveat (to be resolved): your bot currently needs to have the Members privileged intent enabled. This will become configurable later.
Done through environment variables.
Name | Default | Purpose | Example |
required | Discord app token. | |
required | Base URL of the server to send Accord requests to. | http://localhost:8080 |
localhost:8181 |
Address to bind the reverse interface to. | |
none | Regex run on messages to match (true/false) as commands. | ^~\w+ |
none | Regex run on commands to parse them out (with captures). | (?:^~|\s+)(\w+) |
info |
Sets the log level. See tracing. | info,accord=debug |
Events to endpoint table
Event | Endpoint | Payload type | Responses allowed |
MessageCreate (from a guild) |
POST /server/{guild-id}/channel/{channel-id}/message |
Message |
text/plain reply content, application/json acts |
MessageCreate (from a DM) |
POST /direct/{channel-id}/message |
Message |
text/plain reply content, application/json acts |
MessageCreate (matching command regex) |
POST /command/{command...} |
Command |
text/plain reply content, application/json acts |
MemberAdd |
POST /server/{guild-id}/join/{user-id} |
Member |
application/json acts |
ShardConnected |
POST /discord/connected |
Connected |
application/json acts |
before a connection is made | GET /discord/connecting |
none | application/json presence |
All non-GET endpoint requests carry a payload, which is a JSON value of whatever particular type the event generates (see the table). Some types have subtypes, and so on. Types are given here in Typescript notation:
Payload type: Message
id: number, // u64
server_id?: number, // always present for guild messages, never for DMs
channel_id: number,
author: Member | User, // Member for guild messages, User for DMs
timestamp_created: string, // as provided from discord
timestamp_edited?: string, // as provided from discord
kind?: "regular", // usually "regular" (default), see source for others
content: string,
attachments: Array<Attachment>, // from twilight, type not stable/documented
embeds: Array<Embed>, // idem
reactions: Array<MessageReaction>, // idem
application?: MessageApplication, // idem
flags: Array<"crossposted" | "is-crosspost" | "suppress-embeds" | "source-message-deleted" | "urgent">,
Payload type: Member
user: User,
server_id: number,
roles?: Array<number>, // IDs of the roles
pseudonym?: string, // Aka the "server nick"
Payload type: User
id: number, // u64
name: string,
bot: boolean,
Payload type: Connected
shard: number,
Payload type: Command
command: Array<string>, // captures from the ACCORD_COMMAND_PARSE regex
message: Message,
There are a set of headers, all beginning by accord-
, that are set by events.
All the information in headers is also available in the payload (except for the
header, which is present on all requests but in no payload),
and these are intended less for the application (which should parse the payload
instead) and more for the request router (which might not posses the ability to
inspect bodies or parse JSON). For example, nginx could route DM events
(accord-channel-type: direct
) to a different application.
— Always provided, the version of Accord itself;accord-server-id
— In guild context only;accord-channel-id
— In channel contexts;accord-channel-type
in guilds,direct
for DMs.accord-message-id
— In message contexts;accord-author-type
— In message contexts, the length of the message.
The response status code is handled identically throughout:
- 1xx are not supported unless curl handles them internally;
- 204 and 404 abort reading the response and return without any further action;
- multiple-choice (300) is not supported (but may be in future);
- not-modified (304) is not supported yet;
- redirects are handled internally by curl (limit 8);
- proxy redirections (305 and 306) are unsupported;
- error statuses (400 and above) log an error, and may do more later;
- all other success statuses are interpreted as a 200, and handling continues as below:
The response expected from any endpoint varies. Generally the body needs to be JSON, but there are some endpoints that accept other types, like text, for convenience.
The general JSON response format is called "act" and represents a single action to be taken by Accord. An act is an object with one key describing its type, and that particular act's properties as a child object.
The content-type
header of the response must be application/json
for that
format, and the JSON must contain no literal newlines (i.e. it can't be
"pretty" JSON).
Message create and command endpoints accept a content-type: text/plain
response and interpret it as a message-create
act with the response's body as
Multiple actions are possible with the JSON format by separating each act with a newline (which is why individual acts can't span more than one line). An empty line is ignored without error. Each line is parsed as an act and actioned as soon as it is received, and the connection is kept open until EOL is received, so you can stream multiple acts with arbitrary delays in-between, and send "keepalives" to make sure the connection stays open in the form of additional newlines. Lines are trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace before parsing as JSON, so you can pad out your messages to ~4096 bytes to reach buffering thresholds.
(For this reason, on top of simple performance concerns, your server must support multiple simultaneous connections.)
A few endpoints have special formats and do not support JSON act.
Response: JSON acts
Act: create-message
Posts a new message.
{ "create-message": {
content: string,
channel_id?: number, // u64 channel id to post in
} }
The content
is internally converted to UTF-16 codepoints and cannot exceed
2000 of them (this is a Discord limit).
Channel IDs are globally unique, so there's no need to supply a server ID. Accord will attempt to fill in the channel ID if not present in the act. In order of precedence:
- the act's
- the response header
, if present - if the request is from a message context, that message's channel
Act: assign-role
Assigns a role to a member.
{ "assign-role": {
role_id: number,
user_id: number,
server_id?: number,
reason?: string,
} }
Accord will attempt to fill in the server ID if not present in the act. In order of precedence:
- the act's
- the response header
, if present - if the request is from a guild context, that guild
The reason
string, when given, shows up in the guild's audit log.
Act: remove-role
Removes a role from a member.
{ "assign-role": {
role_id: number,
user_id: number,
server_id?: number,
reason?: string,
} }
Accord will attempt to fill in the server ID if not present in the act. In order of precedence:
- the act's
- the response header
, if present - if the request is from a guild context, that guild
The reason
string, when given, shows up in the guild's audit log.
Response: text reply
In message create contexts (including commands), if a response has type
is is read entirely as a UTF-8 string, and then treated as a
single act with that string as content and no supplied channel_id
back to context or headers).
Response: JSON presence
The /discord/connecting
special endpoint is called before the Accord
connects to Discord, and provides the opportunity to set the presence of the
bot. That is, its "online / offline / dnd / etc" status, whether it's marked as
AFK, and what activity it's displaying, if any (the "Playing some game..."
message under a user).
It's not yet possible to change the presence while connected.
afk?: boolean,
status?: "offline" | "online" | "dnd" | "idle" | "invisible",
since?: number,
activity?: Activity
The Activity
type can be any one of:
{ playing: { name: string } } // displays as `Playing {name}`
{ streaming: { name: string } } // displays as `Streaming {name}`
{ listening: { name: string } } // displays as `Listening to {name}`
{ watching: { name: string } } // displays as `Watching {name}`
{ custom: { name: string } } // may not be supported for bots yet
Message create events can go to either their generic endpoints or, if they
match and parse as a command, will go to the /command/...
There are two (optional) environment variables controlling this:
does a simple regex test. If it matches, the message is considered a command, otherwise not. -
(if present) is then run on the message, and all non-overlapping captures are collected and considered the "command" part of the message.
The endpoint is then constructed to /command/
followed by the parsed and
collected "command" parts as above joined by slashes.
For example, !pick me
could be parsed to the endpoint /command/pick/me
, or
to /command/pick
, or just to /command/
, depending on what the parser regex
is or if it's present at all.
is not present, then nothing will go to /command/...
The regex engine is the regex crate with all defaults. You can use this online tool to play/test regexes: https://rustexp.lpil.uk
To get started, try these:
ACCORD_COMMAND_PARSE = (?:^!|\s+)(\w+)
Reverse interface
Accord also has its own HTTP server listening, configured by the ACCORD_BIND
variable. This allows client-initiated functionality.
At the moment, only Ghosts are implemented.
To act on Discord spontaneously, there are currently two options:
- Make your own requests directly to Discord.
- Create and respond to ghost events on the reverse interface.
Ghost events are events your application generates and sends to Accord, which it then injects back into itself, as if they had come from Discord. Things proceed as normal from there. Ghosts are never sent to Discord, and only exist within the Accord instance they are sent to.
The primary purpose of ghosts is to initiate actions without external stimuli.
For example, a "clock" bot that posts a message every hour can summon, every
hour, a ghost that sends the message !clock
. Your server will then receive a
request at /command/clock
, answer appropriately, and Accord will post the
reply up on Discord.
Ghosts can also be used to invoke a command from another command. For example,
invoking !roll 1-9
could detect that the arguments are more appropriate for
the !random
command, and send a ghost containing !random 1-9
. That may be
simpler than the alternatives (or it may not, exercise your own judgement).
To summon a ghost, you make a request to {ACCORD_BIND}/ghost/{ENDPOINT}
is the same endpoint as in the forward
interface, containing the payload you would have
received from that endpoint. The main difference is that you don't need to set
any accord-
headers (as there's no need to have them for routing). You also
don't need to set any payload field that is marked as optional.
For example, to send the !clock
ghost as above, you would send a POST request
to /ghost/server/123/channel/456/message
with the JSON body:
"id": 0,
"server_id": 123,
"channel_id": 456,
"author": {
"server_id": 123,
"user": {
"id": 0,
"name": "a ghost"
"timestamp_created": "2020-01-02T03:04:05Z",
"content": "!clock"
The server and channel IDs in the body will be preferred to the ones in the URL, but you should still set them correctly in the URL (for future compatibility).
Currently only the following endpoints are implemented on the ghost interface:
- server messages:
- direct messages:
Test facility
To test an Accord server implementation, you could write a harness that queries your server, but as there's multiple ways to respond to achieve the same thing in Discord, you would either start to replicate some Accord functionality just to coalesce these forms, or you would make tests too strict.
Accord provides an accord-tester
tool which works exactly the same as the main
program, and takes the same variables (to the exception of DISCORD_TOKEN
except that instead of connecting to Discord, it only listens on the reverse
interface, and actions which would be taken on Discord are instead POSTed back
to your server to /test/act
in normalised form.
Dealing with the asynchronicity and lack of relationship between requests and received replies may be difficult; you can of course opt not to use this tool, or to use it for some integration tests only.
This tool defaults to trace
level logging for accord, and you can opt in to
prettier log messages by adding pretty
to the RUST_LOG
list, e.g.
- The logo is remixed from the hands-helping solid Font Awesome icon, licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
Background and Vision
Accord is a Discord API client to power Discord API clients. Like bots. It is itself built on top of the Twilight Discord API library. So, perhaps it should be called a middleware.
Accord is about translating a specialised interface (Discord's API) to a very common interface (HTTP calls to a server), and back.
One thing I find when writing Discord bots is that a lot of logic that is already reliably implemented by other software a lot older than Discord itself has to regularly be reimplemented for a bot's particular usecase... and I'd rather be writing business logic.
Another is that invariably whenever I start a Discord bot project I end up wanting to write some parts of it in a different language or using a different stack. If I had Accord, I could.
So, in Accord, a typical interaction with a bot would go like this:
- Someone invokes the bot, e.g. by saying
!roll d20
- Discord sends Accord the message via WebSocket
- Accord makes a POST request to
with the message contents as the body, plus various bits of metadata in the headers - Your "bot" which is really a server listening on port 1234 accepts that request, processes it (rolls a d20) and returns the answer in the response body with code 200
- Accord reads the response, sees it means to reply, adds in the channel and server/guild information if those weren't provided in the response headers
- Accord posts a message to Discord containing the reply.
You don't need to have your bot listen on port 1234 itself. In fact, that is not recommended. What you should do instead is run it behind nginx. Why? Let's answer with another few scenarios:
What if the answer to a command is always the same?
Instead of having an active server process and answer the same thing every time, write an nginx rule to match that request and reply with the contents of a static file on disk.
What if the answer changes infrequently?
Add a cache. This is built-in to nginx in a few different ways, or use Varnish or something.
What if the answer is expensive, and/or you don't want it abused?
Add rate limiting. This is built-in to nginx.
What if you want to scale out the amount of backends?
Scale horizontally, use nginx's round-robin upstream support.
What if you want to partially scale in, for example because you serve lots of guilds and need to shard for your expensive endpoints, but your cheap endpoints are perfectly capable of handling the load?
Point your sharded Accords to their own nginxes, and forward cheap requests to one backend server.
There are many more fairly common scenarios that, in usual Discord bots, would require a lot of engineering, but with the Accord approach, are already solved.
Okay, but, that may work well for query-reply bots, but your bot needs to reply more than once, or needs to post spontaneously, for example in response to an external event.
There are four approaches with Accord.
Do the call yourself. Have a Discord client in your app that calls out. Accord doesn't (and cannot) stop you from doing this.
Use the reverse interface. Accord exposes a server of its own, and you can make requests to that server to use Accord's Discord connection to make requests. Accord adds authentication to Discord on top, so you don't need to handle credentials in two places.
Summon a ghost. You can make a special call via the reverse interface mentioned above that will cause Accord to fire a request in the usual way, as if it was reacting to a message or other Discord action, but actually that message or action does not exist. In that way you can implement code all the same, and take advantage of the existing layering (cache etc).
In the special case of needing to answer multiple times in response to an event, you can respond using chunked output, keep the output stream alive with null bytes sent at 30–60s intervals, and send through multiple payloads separated by at least two null bytes. The payloads will be sent as soon as each one is received.
What if you need to stream some audio to a voice channel?
You can stream audio, in whatever format Accord supports (and it will transcode on the fly if it's not something Discord supports), as the response.
You can reply with a 302 redirect to a static audio file, and Accord will do the same (but it might be a little more clever in regards to buffering if it detects it can do range requests). You can even redirect to an external resource (not recommended, for security and performance reasons... but you can do it).
Beyond Discord
This... is only the beginning.
Because Discord is one thing, but what if you had this same kind of gateway for Twitter? Matrix? Zulip? IRC? Slack? Email? etc
All these have anywhere from slightly to majorly different models in how they operate, but you still have a core mechanic of posting messages and expecting answers. You'll probably have subtleties and adaptations, but what if you could reuse vast swathes of functionality by rewriting some routes?
The first example above, a bot that rolls a die, could be the exact same backend program served for Slack and for Discord. At the same time, and in parallel, you could have a Discord-specific voice endpoint, and a Slack-specific poll endpoint.
Isn't this really inefficient?
Yeah, kinda. Instead of a bot that interacts directly with Discord, you have at least two additional layers. All that adds is a few tens of milliseconds. What you gain is likely worth it. By a lot.
~843K SLoC