1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 5, 2022

#2887 in Parser implementations

Apache-2.0 and maybe LGPL-3.0-or-later


PartiQL Rust CLI

PoC for a CLI & REPL. It should be considered experimental, subject to change, etc.

In its current state, it largely exists to test parser interface & types from the perspective of an external application. Probably the the mietter::Diagnostic stuff should be refactored and moved to the main parser crate.

CLI Commands

  • help : print the CLI's help message and supported commands
  • repl : launches the REPL
  • ast -T<format> "<query>": outputs a rendered version of the parsed AST (see Visualization):
    • <format>:
      • json : pretty-print to stdout in a json dump
      • dot : pretty-print to stdout in Graphviz dot format
      • svg : print to stdout a Graphviz rendered svg xml document
      • png : print to stdout a Graphviz rendered png bitmap
      • display : display a Graphviz rendered png bitmap directly in supported terminals
    • query : the PartiQL query text


The REPL currently assumes most of the input line is a PartiQL query, which it will attempt to parse.

  • For an invalid query, errors are pretty printed to the output.
  • For a valid query,
    • with no prefix, Parse OK! is printed to the output
    • if prefixed by \ast, a rendered AST tree image is printed to the output (see Visualization)


  • Syntax highlighting of query input
  • User-friendly error reporting
  • Readling/editing
  • CTRL-D/CTRL-C to quit.


In order to use any of the Graphviz-based visualizations, you will need the graphviz libraries installed on your machine (e.g. brew install graphviz or similar).


See REPL-tagged issues

  • Use central location for syntax files rather than embedded in this crate
  • Better interaction model
    • commands
    • more robust editing
    • etc.


~587K SLoC