#traits #consuming #producing #lazily #sequences #synchronous #bulk

nightly panda_pile

Traits for lazily producing and consuming sequences

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Oct 11, 2021
0.1.0 Oct 8, 2021

#2428 in Rust patterns

CC-PDDC license

365 lines

Panda Pile

Synchronous and asynchronous rust traits for lazily producing and consuming sequences, avoiding some design issues with the traits in the standard library. See the docs for more info.


Panda Pile

Traits for lazily producing or consuming sequences of arbitrary length. This crate provides unified, synchronous and asynchronous alternatives to the core::iter::Iterator, std::io::Read, and std::io::Write traits, offering the following improvements:

  • duality between producing and consuming APIs
  • completely analogous synchronous and asynchronous APIs
  • bulk production/consumption as a subtrait of individual production/consumption
  • generic item and error types
  • dedicated type for the last sequence item
  • no_std

A derivation of the APIs from first principles is given here, the remainder of this documentation focuses on the what and how rather than the why. This crate only provides traits, see the panda_party crate for useful implementations such as combinators or adapters from and to other sequence abstractions.

All traits come in three versions: synchronous, blocking in the sync module; nonblocking in the nb module; and nonblocking, threadsafe for scheduling on a multithreaded executor in the nb_send module.

Nonblocking Traits

The nonblocking APIs do not use async functions, both because as of writing rust does not support async fn in traits, and because as of writing there is no way to obtain the type of the Future returned by an async fn, severely hindering most nontrivial library code. Instead, each trait has an associated type per method, this type is a Future that performs the operation. The actual trait methods take a pinned, mutable reference to Self and return a pinned, mutable reference to the corresponding Future. An abstract example:

trait ExampleSynchronousTrait {
    fn method(&mut self, foo: String) -> u32;

trait CorrespondingAsynchronousTrait {
    type Method: Future<Output = u32>;
    fn method(self: Pin<&mut Self>, foo: String) -> Pin<&mut Self::Method>;

All nonblocking traits in this crate are derived from a corresponding synchronous trait in this manner. Threadsafe nonblocking traits additionally have a + Send bound on their associated types.

Because of the borrowing rules, this approach to asynchronous traits ensures that at most one of the associated futures can exist at a time. It is thus impossible to poll multiple of the associated futures concurrently. Consequently, the API contracts for nonblocking traits can stay almost identical to those of the corresponding synchronous traits. The only way to obtain behavior from a nonblocking trait that would be impossible to obtain from the corresponding synchronous trait is to begin polling an associated future but dropping it before it completes. Because trait implementations should not be forced to handle this cornercase, part of the API contract for all nonblocking traits is that no trait methods may be called after dropping any associated future that has not been polled to completion.

