#logging #system #output


A simple logging system based on the log crate

1 unstable release

0.1.0 May 30, 2020

#312 in #output

21 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 license

152 lines


Outlog is a logging implementation based on the log crate.
It is designed to be as simple as possible, while still providing good looking log output.


extern crate outlog;

outlog::init_with_default().expect("Failed to initialize logging!");

info!("Hello, World");

Cargo Features

The following features can be enabled when including outlog as a dependency:

  • color: Enables colored output using SGR Sequences and the atty crate.
  • chrono: Enables outputting the local time using the chrono crate.
  • panic: Enables a custom panic hook that prints panic messages with error! (Backtraces aren't supported).
  • config-serde: Enables serializing/deserializing the Config struct with serde.
  • all: Enables all of the above.


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