10 unstable releases (3 breaking)

0.5.1 Oct 16, 2021
0.5.0 Sep 11, 2021
0.4.1 Jul 26, 2021
0.4.0 Feb 18, 2021
0.2.3 Sep 3, 2020

#12 in #bulk

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

build docs.rs crates.io aur.archlinux.org sourceforge.net

Osoy is a command-line git repository manager which's features include:

  • Clone and pull repositories in bulk.
  • Bulk execute commands in repositories.
  • Filter repositories using regex.
  • Create symbolic links to repositories' executables.
  • See the status of all repositories with one command.

Osoy Home

Osoy home is where dowloaded git repositories and created symbolic links will be stored. You can alter the location of Osoy home by setting the OSOY_HOME environment variable which by default is $HOME/.osoy (%USERPROFILE%\.osoy on Windows).


  • src Downloaded repositories will be stored here.
  • bin Symolic links to executables will be stored here. To make these accessible, add the path of the directory to your PATH environment variable.



cargo install osoy

Make sure that cargo bin is in your PATH environment variable.


yay -S osoy-bin

Compiling from Source

Cargo (+rustc) and Git are required to compile.

git clone https://gitlab.com/osoy/osoy ~/.osoy/src/gitlab.com/osoy/osoy
cd ~/.osoy/src/gitlab.com/osoy/osoy
./osoy link osoy -fv

Updating Osoy with Osoy

osoy pull osoy
osoy make osoy


~341K SLoC