orml-traits is used at run time in 15 crates.

Number of dependers orml-traits version Downloads/month
12 1.2.1 370
1 0.4.0 84
2 0.1.1 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) orml-traits version
230 2 orml-xcm-support ^1.2.1
190 1 orml-tokens ^1.2.1
180 orml-asset-registry ^1.2.1
170 1 orml-currencies ^1.2.1
130 orml-xtokens ^1.2.1
110 orml-oracle ^1.2.1
100 orml-rate-limit ^1.2.1
100 orml-auction ^1.2.1
100 orml-parameters ^1.2.1
100 orml-payments ^1.2.1
100 orml-rewards ^1.2.1
orml-prices ^0.1.1
orml-schedule-update ^0.1.1
pallet-mixer ^0.4.0