8 releases

0.1.10 Nov 18, 2024
0.1.9 Nov 18, 2024
0.1.6 Jun 18, 2024
0.1.5 Mar 5, 2024
0.1.4 Feb 28, 2024

#126 in Configuration

ISC license

14K SLoC

Rust Opsview API Client Library

crates.io Documentation ISC licensed


The opsview crate is a Rust library designed to interact with the Opsview monitoring software. It provides a comprehensive coverage of the Opsview REST API and allows you to handle Opsview objects such as hosts, service checks, host groups, and more. The initial focus is on the client and config modules which enables the user to perform all kinds of object configuration management using this Rust library.

Project Status

This project is currently in development and is subject to change at any time. It is not yet complete.


  • Comprehensive coverage of Opsview objects: Hosts, Service Checks, Host Groups, etc. All objects in the configuration API are available as native Rust objects.
  • Builder pattern objects for creating and configuring Opsview objects.
  • Asynchronous API interactions with built-in error handling.
  • Custom serialization and deserialization for Opsview API compatibility.

Why should you use this library?

This library aims to provide client side validation of as many fields as possible. That means that you can add solid error handling of any incompatible field values before even making an API call to the Opsview server and instead catch and handle the error returned by the API.

For example, let's say that your program parses a name from some file and decides to create a Hashtag with the name My New Hashtag. You don't have to cover all name checks on your side, you can simply try to build a Hashtag using either of the associated builder or minimal functions and then match the Result. No need to even connect to the Opsview API.


use opsview::config::Hashtag;
use opsview::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
    let my_new_hashtag = Hashtag::minimal("My New Hashtag");

    match my_new_hashtag {
        Err(OpsviewConfigError::DoesNotMatchRegex(_, _)) => { todo!("Do something") }, // <-- This is the matching branch
        Err(_) => { todo!("Do something else") }
        Ok(_) => (), // Do nothing.

This allows you to write robust solutions with fewer errors.

Adding these checks is a priority but still a work in progress. All fields missing validation are marked with a TODO in the source code. If you find one that doesn't, please let me know.

Basic Usage

This library makes frequent use of the Builder pattern to create and configure Opsview objects.

All configuration related objects such as Hashtag, Host, ServiceCheck and so on are represented as native Rust structs with the trait ConfigObject. These all have the Builder trait which defines the builder() function which will initiate a new builder object.

The standard pattern for creating a new object is to use the associated builder() function of the type of ConfigObject that you want to create to create a new builder, then chain the builder's methods to configure the object, and finally call build() to create the object. Using the build() method will give you some assurances that the ConfigObject that you are trying to create is valid.

Note that there are no online checks when building the object, you will still have to check for existing names, etc, at some point. But it will force you to populate all required fields with valid data.

It is generally discouraged to create ConfigObject structs directly, as this may result in invalid objects that cannot be used with the Opsview API. These objects are primarily used for deserialization from the Opsview API.

Here's a quick example to get you started with this library:

use opsview::{client::OpsviewClient, prelude::*, config::Hashtag};

async fn new_hashtag(
  client: &OpsviewClient, 
  name: &str
  ) -> Result<(), OpsviewError> {
    let new_hashtag = Hashtag::builder()
        .description("This Hashtag was created using Rust")

async fn main() {
    let client = OpsviewClient::builder()

    let result = new_hashtag(&client, "foo").await;
    match result {
        Ok(_) => { println!("Success") },
        Err(_) => { println!("Failure") },

    client.apply_changes().await.expect("Failed to apply changes");
    client.logout().await.expect("Failed to log out");

A more complex example:

use opsview::client::OpsviewClient;
use opsview::config::{Host,Hashtag,HostGroup, HostTemplate};
use opsview::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
    let client = OpsviewClient::builder()
    let master_monitoring_server = client
        .get_monitoringcluster_config("Master Monitoring Server", None)
        .expect("Couldn't fetch 'Master Monitoring Server' from the API");

    let root_hostgroup = client
        .get_hostgroup_config("Opsview", None)
        .expect("Couldn't fetch HostGroup with the name 'Opsview' from the API");
    let opsview_rs_hostgroup = HostGroup::builder()
        .expect("Failed to build hostgroup 'opsview_rs_hostgroup'");

    // Create the HostGroup before adding is to the Host, since doing so will
    // consume the HostGroup and require a clone if the call to create is done
    // later.
        .expect("Failed to create hostgroup 'opsview_rs_hostgroup'");
    let network_base_template = client
        .get_hosttemplate_config("Network - Base", None)
        .expect("Couldn't fetch 'Network - Base' from the API");
    let mut templates = ConfigObjectMap::<HostTemplate>::new();
    let templates = templates; // Optional shadowing to avoid mutable objects.

    let opsview_rs_hashtag = Hashtag::builder()
        .description("This Hashtag represents objects created by opsview-rs")
        .expect("Failed to build hashtag 'OpsviewRS'");

    // Create the Hashtag before adding it to the ConfigObjectMap<Hashtag>
    // since adding it will consume the Hashtag and require a clone if the
    // call to create is done later.
        .expect("Failed to create hashtag 'opsview_rs_hashtag'");
    let mut hashtags = ConfigObjectMap::<Hashtag>::new();
    let hashtags = hashtags; // Optional shadowing to avoid mutable objects.

    let new_host = Host::builder()
        .alias("This host was created using opsview-rs")
        .expect("Failed to build host 'MyNewHost'");
        .expect("Failed to create host 'new_host'");
    client.apply_changes().await.expect("Failed to apply changes");

    client.logout().await.expect("Failed to log out");


For detailed documentation on all available modules, structs, and functions, please refer to the generated docs using:

cargo doc --open

Affiliation with ITRS Group

This project is not affiliated with ITRS Group.

Support and bug reports

Please direct any questions or bug reports to the GitHub page of the project and not to ITRS Group Support.


For testing with a live Opsview server, make sure to populate the following environment variables:


When running the ignored tests, make sure to use --test-threads=1 and that there are no unsaved changes on the Opsview server in question.


Copyright © 2024 Johan Thorén johan@thoren.xyz

This project is released under the ISC license. See the LICENSE file for more details.


~299K SLoC