#js #calculator #built #options #black-scholes #timestamp #calculations


An easy-to-use black-scholes option calculator. Made for JS, built in Rust.

1 unstable release

0.2.1 Jan 6, 2021

#1095 in WebAssembly

MIT license

861 lines


An easy-to-use black-scholes option calculator. Made for JS, built in Rust.

Getting started

Using the library in JavaScript

You may configure an option calculation instance like so:

// Import opcalc as a webassembly module

const option = opcalc
    .with_current_time(1606780800) // timestamp in seconds: 2020/12/01 00:00:00
    .with_maturity_time(1610668800) // timestamp in seconds: 2021/01/15 00:00:00

After the option has been created, you may access its prices (call and put), greeks (delta, gamma, and more) like so:

const call = option.call_value();
const delta = option.call_delta();
// ...


There are multiple examples for using this library in the /examples folder.

  • React
  • Angular (coming soon)
  • Vue.js (coming soon)

Using the library in Rust

Using the library in Rust is similar to the experience in JavaScript.

use opcalc::option::builder::BSOptionBuilder;

let option = BSOptionBuilder::new()
    .with_current_time(1_606_780_800) // timestamp in seconds: 2020/12/01 00:00:00
    .with_maturity_time(1_610_668_800) // timestamp in seconds: 2021/01/15 00:00:00
    .unwrap();  // safely unwrap here because all required builder steps are taken

// then, use this option to obtain calculation results
let gamma = option.call_gamma();


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~200K SLoC