9 releases (3 stable)

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#750 in Math

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Rust SDK for OMMX (Open Mathematics prograMming eXchange)

OMMX Messages

OMMX defines several messages in protobuf schema, and their Rust bindings are in the [v1] module.


  • Create v1::Linear message in Rust, and serialize/deserialize it

    use ommx::v1::{Linear, linear::Term};
    use prost::Message; // For `encode` and `decode` methods
    // Create a linear function `x1 + 2 x2 + 3`
    let linear = Linear::single_term(1, 1.0) + Linear::single_term(2, 2.0) + 3.0;
    // Serialize the message to a byte stream
    let mut buf = Vec::new();
    linear.encode(&mut buf).unwrap();
    // Deserialize the byte stream back into a linear function message
    let decoded_linear = Linear::decode(buf.as_slice()).unwrap();
    // Print the deserialized message
    println!("{:?}", decoded_linear);
  • Evaluate a v1::Linear with v1::State into f64

    use ommx::{Evaluate, v1::{Linear, State, linear::Term}};
    use maplit::{hashmap, btreeset};
    // Create a linear function `x1 + 2 x2 + 3`
    let linear = Linear::single_term(1, 1.0) + Linear::single_term(2, 2.0) + 3.0;
    // Create a state `x1 = 4`, `x2 = 5`, and `x3 = 6`
    let state: State = hashmap! { 1 => 4.0, 2 => 5.0, 3 => 6.0 }.into();
    // Evaluate the linear function with the state, and get the value and used variable ids
    let (value, used_ids) = linear.evaluate(&state).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(value, 1.0 * 4.0 + 2.0 * 5.0 + 3.0);
    assert_eq!(used_ids, btreeset!{ 1, 2 }) // x3 is not used

OMMX Artifact

OMMX Artifact is an OCI Artifact, i.e. a container image with arbitrary content, storing the OMMX Messages. It is useful for storing messages on local disk or sharing with others via container registry.


  • Create an artifact as a file with an instance created by random::random_lp

    use ocipkg::ImageName;
    use ommx::{artifact::{Builder, InstanceAnnotations}, random::random_lp};
    use rand::SeedableRng;
    // Create random LP instance to be saved into an artifact
    let lp = random_lp(&mut rand::thread_rng(), 5, 7);
    // Builder for creating an artifact as a file (e.g. `random_lp_instance.ommx`)
    let mut builder = Builder::new_archive_unnamed("random_lp_instance.ommx".into())?;
    // Add the instance with annotations
    let mut annotations = InstanceAnnotations::default();
    builder.add_instance(lp, annotations)?;
    // Build the artifact
    let _artifact = builder.build()?;
  • Create an artifact on local registry, and then push it to remote registry (e.g. GitHub Container Registry)

    use ocipkg::ImageName;
    use ommx::{artifact::{Builder, InstanceAnnotations}, random::random_lp};
    use rand::SeedableRng;
    // Create random LP instance to be saved into an artifact
    let lp = random_lp(&mut rand::thread_rng(), 5, 7);
    // Builder for creating an artifact in local registry
    let mut builder = Builder::new(
    // Add annotations for the artifact
    builder.add_description("Test artifact".to_string());
    // Add the instance with annotations
    let mut annotations = InstanceAnnotations::default();
    builder.add_instance(lp, annotations)?;
    // Build the artifact
    let mut artifact = builder.build()?;
    // Push the artifact to remote registry
  • Pull an artifact from remote registry, and load the instance message

    use ocipkg::ImageName;
    use ommx::artifact::{Artifact, media_types};
    let image_name = ImageName::parse("ghcr.io/jij-inc/ommx/random_lp_instance:testing")?;
    // Pull the artifact from remote registry
    let mut remote = Artifact::from_remote(image_name)?;
    let mut local = remote.pull()?;
    // List the digest of instances
    for desc in local.get_layer_descriptors(&media_types::v1_instance())? {
        println!("{}", desc.digest());


~439K SLoC