6 releases

0.1.6 Oct 30, 2020
0.1.5 Oct 30, 2020
0.1.4 Apr 3, 2019
0.1.2 Dec 18, 2018

#213 in Algorithms

Download history 1654/week @ 2024-01-10 1554/week @ 2024-01-17 2024/week @ 2024-01-24 1737/week @ 2024-01-31 1063/week @ 2024-02-07 1250/week @ 2024-02-14 1195/week @ 2024-02-21 1875/week @ 2024-02-28 1433/week @ 2024-03-06 1414/week @ 2024-03-13 1505/week @ 2024-03-20 1725/week @ 2024-03-27 1292/week @ 2024-04-03 1215/week @ 2024-04-10 1552/week @ 2024-04-17 1405/week @ 2024-04-24

5,672 downloads per month
Used in 93 crates (6 directly)

Apache-2.0 OR MIT

66 lines


License Travis CI AppVeyor

Extend the rust built-in numeric types.


Name Crate Documentation Description
numext-fixed-uint Uint Badge Uint Doc Fixed-size uint structures.
numext-fixed-hash Hash Badge Hash Doc Fixed-size hash structures.




cargo bench

Results on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz

Serialization / Deserialization Benchmark:

+serde/ser/nfhash/h256   time:   [56.812 ns 56.834 ns 56.855 ns]
-serde/ser/etypes/h256   time:   [101.41 ns 102.24 ns 103.30 ns]
+serde/de/nfhash/h256    time:   [96.613 ns 96.643 ns 96.672 ns]
-serde/de/etypes/h256    time:   [160.63 ns 160.73 ns 160.89 ns]

-serde/ser/nfuint/u256   time:   [114.36 ns 114.66 ns 115.14 ns]
+serde/ser/etypes/u256   time:   [102.49 ns 102.55 ns 102.59 ns]
+serde/de/nfuint/u256    time:   [117.83 ns 117.85 ns 117.88 ns]
-serde/de/etypes/u256    time:   [175.12 ns 175.20 ns 175.29 ns]

Calculation Benchmark:

+gcd/nfuint              time:   [2.7441 us 2.7444 us 2.7447 us]
-gcd/num_bigint          time:   [6.9668 us 6.9683 us 6.9697 us]

+add/nfuint              time:   [2.7960 ns 2.8020 ns 2.8067 ns]
-add/etypes              time:   [4.9120 ns 4.9152 ns 4.9183 ns]
+sub/nfuint              time:   [2.7734 ns 2.7812 ns 2.7884 ns]
-sub/etypes              time:   [4.9641 ns 4.9679 ns 4.9715 ns]
+mul/nfuint              time:   [13.786 ns 13.788 ns 13.790 ns]
-mul/etypes              time:   [14.946 ns 14.950 ns 14.956 ns]
+div/nfuint              time:   [25.820 ns 25.826 ns 25.832 ns]
-div/etypes              time:   [77.297 ns 77.300 ns 77.304 ns]
+rem/nfuint              time:   [26.454 ns 26.455 ns 26.458 ns]
-rem/etypes              time:   [72.860 ns 72.902 ns 72.958 ns]
+bitand/nfuint           time:   [3.6945 ns 3.6946 ns 3.6947 ns]
-bitand/etypes           time:   [5.3184 ns 5.3224 ns 5.3267 ns]
+bitor/nfuint            time:   [3.6945 ns 3.6947 ns 3.6948 ns]
-bitor/etypes            time:   [5.3298 ns 5.3323 ns 5.3347 ns]
+bitxor/nfuint           time:   [3.6944 ns 3.6946 ns 3.6947 ns]
-bitxor/etypes           time:   [5.3315 ns 5.3342 ns 5.3367 ns]
+not/nfuint              time:   [2.3861 ns 2.3867 ns 2.3873 ns]
-not/etypes              time:   [3.8522 ns 3.8526 ns 3.8530 ns]

+shift/left/0/nfuint     time:   [2.4974 ns 2.4978 ns 2.4981 ns]
-shift/left/0/etypes     time:   [9.7666 ns 9.7678 ns 9.7692 ns]
+shift/left/7/nfuint     time:   [2.5193 ns 2.5196 ns 2.5199 ns]
-shift/left/7/etypes     time:   [12.425 ns 12.426 ns 12.428 ns]
+shift/left/65/nfuint    time:   [2.2779 ns 2.2832 ns 2.2905 ns]
-shift/left/65/etypes    time:   [11.685 ns 11.725 ns 11.775 ns]
+shift/left/511/nfuint   time:   [1.9075 ns 1.9083 ns 1.9091 ns]
-shift/left/511/etypes   time:   [5.6710 ns 5.6788 ns 5.6893 ns]

+shift/right/0/nfuint    time:   [2.4972 ns 2.4977 ns 2.4981 ns]
-shift/right/0/etypes    time:   [9.7640 ns 9.7645 ns 9.7651 ns]
+shift/right/7/nfuint    time:   [2.5281 ns 2.5284 ns 2.5286 ns]
-shift/right/7/etypes    time:   [12.409 ns 12.410 ns 12.411 ns]
+shift/right/65/nfuint   time:   [2.3753 ns 2.3755 ns 2.3757 ns]
-shift/right/65/etypes   time:   [11.878 ns 11.879 ns 11.880 ns]
+shift/right/511/nfuint  time:   [1.9077 ns 1.9088 ns 1.9098 ns]
-shift/right/511/etypes  time:   [5.7064 ns 5.7336 ns 5.7679 ns]


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT License, at your option.


A series of fixed non-negative integer types.


This crate provides a series of macros that used to construct fixed uints in compile time.

The input is a string literal, and the macros support several formats of the input:

  • A decimal string.
  • A binary string with 0b prefix.
  • A octal string with 0o prefix.
  • A hexadecimal string with 0x prefix.

And you can use any number of _ in the string literal to separate it for more readable.


use numext_fixed_uint::{u128, U128};

const U128_100: U128 = u128!("100");

fn main () -> ::std::io::Result<()> {
    let x1 = u128!("0b110_0100");
    let x2 = u128!("0o144");
    let x3 = u128!("0x64");
    let y = U128::from(100u8);
    assert_eq!(x1, y);
    assert_eq!(x2, y);
    assert_eq!(x3, y);
    assert_eq!(U128_100, y);


~37K SLoC