Cargo Features

notedown-error has no features set by default.

notedown-error = { version = "1.1.10", features = ["lsp", "num", "rust_decimal", "pest", "rsass", "globset", "chrono", "docx-rs", "serde_json", "html_parser", "git2", "text-utils"] }
lsp = lsp-types

Enables lsp-types of yggdrasil-shared

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

num implicit feature

Enables num

3rd parts

rust_decimal implicit feature
pest implicit feature

Enables pest


The Elegant Parser

rsass implicit feature

Enables rsass ^0.26.0


Sass implementation in pure rust (not complete yet)

globset implicit feature
lsp-types lsp?

Enables lsp-types ^0.93.1

chrono implicit feature

Enables chrono


Date and time library for Rust

docx-rs implicit feature

Enables docx-rs


A .docx file writer with Rust/WebAssembly

serde_json implicit feature

Enables serde_json


A JSON serialization file format

html_parser implicit feature

Enables html_parser ^0.6.3


A simple and general purpose html/xhtml parser

git2 implicit feature

Enables git2 ^0.15.0

text-utils implicit feature

Enables text-utils


Text utils for unescaping and align