#api-request #sync #neocities #requests #amount #file #state

app neocities-sync

Sync files to neocities while doing the least amount of API requests

1 stable release

new 1.0.0 Jun 25, 2024

#238 in Cryptography

Download history 121/week @ 2024-06-22

121 downloads per month

MIT license

528 lines


Sync files to neocities while doing the least amount of API requests.

You can use this to deploy a Vite, Astro or Next.js app to neocities.

neocities-sync will:

  • Only upload files that have been modified.
  • Delete files which exist on neocities, but don't exist locally.
  • Store SHA1 hashes locally inside a .state file.
  • If the .state file doesn't exist, it will fetch all file hashes from neocities and store them in the .state file.
  • If --ignore-disallowed-file-types is set, it will ignore disallowed file types. Use this if you are NOT a supporter.


cargo install neocities-sync


❯ neocities-sync --help

| x_x |   neocities-sync

Sync files to neocities while doing the least amount of API requests.

Usage: neocities-sync <COMMAND>

  login   Login to neocities
  logout  Logout from neocities
  sync    Sync a directory to neocities
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version
❯ neocities-sync sync --help

Sync a directory to neocities

Usage: neocities-sync sync [OPTIONS] [PATH]

  [PATH]  The directory to sync [default: .]

  -s, --state <STATE>                 Path to the state file. Used to keep track of the last sync
  -i, --ignore-disallowed-file-types  Use this if you are NOT a supporter
  -h, --help                          Print help

Deploy a Vite/Astro/Next.js app to neocities

Run your build command. Given that your build output is in the dist directory, we can use neocities-sync to upload the files to neocities.

First login using the neocities-sync login command. It will prompt you for your username and password (Will not be displayed in the terminal)

❯ neocities-sync dist --ignore-disallowed-file-types --state .state

Here, we use --state .state to store the state outside the dist directory because it will be emptied on every build.

Now, every time you make changes to your app, re-run the build command and then run the neocities-sync command. It will only upload the files that have been modified.


Pull requests are welcome.


~338K SLoC