1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 18, 2024

#32 in #competitive-programming

MIT license

176 lines

Nedry 🦖 - A bundler for C

movie clip

You know anybody who can network 8 connection machine and debug 2 MILLION lines of code.

What is this

This is mainly use for competitive programming & CS class. Most online judge system used in collage only accept C without dependency. This tool will auto replace #include with actual code.

Support List

  • #include "file_here"
  • #include "file_here.h" will also try to include file_here.c
  • Duplicate include will be ignore

Know Limitation

  • Cannot resolve #include correctly in some nest macro (#if/#ifdef)


To bundle test.c to test.bundle.c run

nedry -i test.c bundle -o test.bundle.c

Command list

$ nedry
Usage: nedry --input <INPUT> <COMMAND>

  bundle  Bundle all dependency to single file
  build   Build file to an executable file
  run     Build & Run file
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -i, --input <INPUT>  The entry point file
  -h, --help           Print help (see more with '--help')


~55K SLoC