Cargo Features

ncomm-nodes = { version = "1.1.3", default-features = false, features = ["nostd", "std", "alloc", "rerun", "rerun-web-viewer"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever ncomm-nodes is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

nostd alloc?

Enables nostd of ncomm-core and ncomm-publishers-and-subscribers

std default rerun? rerun-web-viewer?

Enables std of ncomm-core and ncomm-publishers-and-subscribers

alloc = nostd

Enables alloc of ncomm-core and ncomm-publishers-and-subscribers

rerun rerun-web-viewer? = std

Enables rerun, rerun of ncomm-publishers-and-subscribers

Affects ncomm-nodes::rerun

rerun-web-viewer = rerun, std

Enables re_web_viewer_server and re_ws_comms and web_viewer of rerun


Support serving a web viewer over HTTP.

Enabling this inflates the binary size quite a bit, since it embeds the viewer wasm.

For faster & easier builds, a pre-built web-views comes bundled with the crate as a Wasm binary.
Enabling this feature will embed this pre-built web viewer.

However, when building from source in the repository, this feature adds quite a bit to the compile time since it requires compiling and bundling the viewer as wasm.