4 releases
0.1.0-alpha.1 | Oct 2, 2024 |
0.0.1-pre-alpha.3 | Sep 30, 2024 |
0.0.1-pre-alpha.2 | Sep 26, 2024 |
0.0.1-pre-alpha.1 | Jul 16, 2024 |
#106 in Configuration
62 downloads per month
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Nazara is an experimental Rust program that automates the collection of system information for NetBox, using NetBox's API. It enables the automatic creation of new machines in NetBox or population of information fields for existing ones.
Nazara is in the early stages of its development. Please note that the information listed below is subject to change.
To use Nazara, you will need to have the Rust programming language and cargo
installed. If you do not have them
installed already, you can follow the instructions provided in the official Rust documentation.
Please note that this program only works on Linux systems.
Once you have everything installed, you can clone this repository and build the program by running the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/The-Nazara-Project/Nazara.git
cd Nazara
cargo build --release
This will create an executable file in the target/release
Usage (WIP)
To use Nazara, you will need to configure the URL of your NetBox API and provide an API token to the program.
Configuration (WIP)
Nazara supports two ways of providing configuration parameters: CLI arguments and a configuration file.
Nazara requires two parameters from you:
: The URL of your NetBox APIAPI_TOKEN
: The authentication token for the NetBox API
Configuring via CLI
Here is an example for passing these parameters on using the CLI:
./target/release/Nazara --api-url <API_URL> --api-token <API_TOKEN>
Configuring via nbs-config.toml
Alternatively, you can provide the configuration parameters in a config file named nazara-config.toml
, located in the same
directory as the executable file. Here is an example how the config file should look like:
netbox_api_token = "$API_TOKEN"
netbox_uri = "$API_URI"
Aside from the NetBox system parameters, configuration via the .nazara-config.toml
also allows you to add certain
custom fields to your system information that cannot be automatically selected. A great example would be the
System Location
entry. To specify that, simply add the parameter under the [system]
block in your configuration file.
netbox_api_token = "$API_TOKEN"
netbox_uri = "$NETBOX_URI"
system_location = "$SYSTEM_LOCATION"
An example file would look like this:
# Template nazara-config.toml file for v0.1.0
# Configuration parameters for the NetBox connection
netbox_api_token = "{NETBOX_TOKEN}"
netbox_uri = "{NETBOX_URI}"
# Mandatory information about the system
name = "{SYSTEM_NAME}" # Name of the machine or VM. **Required** when device is a VM
site_id = 0 # The id of the site this device is located at. (Stored in NetBox)
# site_name = "" # Name of the site this device is located at. (May take longer to find.)
description = ""
comments = "Automatically registered by Nazara."
device_type = 0 # ID of the type of the Device Type in NetBox
device_role = 0 # ID of the device role in NetBox
face = "" # Direction this device may face in (e.g front or rear)
status = "active" # Status of the device. Default: active
airflow = "front-to-rear" # Direction of airflow
# Optional data of your device.
# tenant_group = 0 # ID of the department this device belongs to
# tenant_group_name = "" # Name of the department this device belongs to. (May take longer to find.)
# tenant = 0 # ID of the team or individual this device belongs to.
# tenant_name = "" # Name of the team or individual this device belongs to.
# location = 0 # ID fof the location of the device.
# rack = 0 # ID of the rack this device is mounted in if any.
# position = 0 # Position of the device within the rack.
platform = "x86_64"
# Custom parameters about the system, which fall under the "custom_fields" section.
# Custom fields for the system
# Network Interfaces Configuration (optional)
# Uncomment and define `[[nwi]]` tables if network interfaces need to be configured.
# If this section is not present, `nwi` will be an empty vector.
#name = "interface1"
#enabled = true
#rtype = "type1"
#parent = 1
#bridge = 2
#lag = 3
#mtu = 1500
#duplex = "full"
#wwn = "wwn12345"
#mgmt_only = false
#description = "Interface 1 Description"
#mode = "mode1"
#rf_role = "role1"
#rf_channel = "channel1"
#poe_mode = "poe_mode1"
#poe_type = "poe_type1"
#rf_channel_frequency = 2400.0
#rf_channel_width = 20.0
#tx_power = 20
#untagged_vlans = [10, 20]
#tagged_vlans = [30, 40]
#mark_connected = true
#wireless_lans = [50, 60]
#vrf = 1
# Custom fields specific to this interface
Please note that this section is still a work in progress and all information is subject to change.
If you would like to contribute to Nazara, feel free to check the contributing guide for information on our workflow and check the issues section for any open issue.
Nazara is released under the terms of the GPL-v3.0.
~348K SLoC