#sync #mutex #synchronization #send-sync

nightly mutex-extra

RefMutex<T> that is similar to Mutex<T> but is Sync and Send even if T isn’t Send

4 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.9.9 Oct 20, 2021
0.9.8 Oct 20, 2021
0.9.7 Oct 20, 2021
0.9.6 Oct 20, 2021

#1396 in Asynchronous


376 lines

ref_mutex Rust library

Please instead use Mutex<send_cell::Ref<T>> (https://docs.rs/send-cell/).

My code is erroneous! Don't use.

This library implement RefMutex<T> that is similar to Mutex<T> but is Sync and Send even if T isn't Send.

No runtime deps