#turbo #game #game-engine #package #script #line #text


A narrative game development package for the Turbo Game Engine

3 releases

0.1.2 Jan 20, 2025
0.1.1 Jan 20, 2025
0.1.0 Jan 20, 2025

#300 in Game dev


310 lines


mrdirector is an extension package for the turbo game engine to help streamline the creation of games with branching narratives

warning: this project is in hyper omega alpha, so use at your own risk


current steps for integration:

  1. create a scripts folder at the root of the turbo project directory

  2. within the scripts folder, create a script.director file, within which the story will be written

  3. add use mrdirector; to the top of your lib.rs

  4. insure that your turbo init gamestate struct contains a property of type DirectorState

  5. ensure that within the turbo::go! macro is the mrdirector::assess_current_line function

  6. should now be ready to rock and roll!


<< [name] is the name of a passage

>> [name] is a send to the passage of corresponding name

  • sends can live on their own, or in conjunction with a choice

]> [choice] denotes a choice, director can handle up to 4 choices

  • choice texts that follow ]> are written out to text box

  • a set of choices choice must be followed by a set of sends on the next line, in the order that corresponds to the order of choices

    • e.g. line one: ]> choice one ]> choice two

    • e.g. line two: ]> first send ]> second send

  • choices can be crossed out by prepending a ~ in front of the text of the choice

    • e.g. ]> ~text to be crossed out
  • choices that are displayed, but not actually available to the player, or are otherwise not intended to be selectable must send to the NULL send

    • e.g. ]> ~this choice shouldn't be clickable ]> this choice should be

    • e.g. >> NULL >> choice two send

      • n.b. white space in between choices and/or sends are ignored, so feel free to space them out to be more legible

[char]: [text] lines are statements

  • currently, assumption is two characters, NOAH or MYLAN

    • to change character names at present, need to change the match statement in print_current_line.rs
  • char determines portrait display

  • text is written out to text boxes

! [cmd] / [arg] are command lines that execute more complicated actions

  • currently implemented:

    • WAIT / [TIME IN SECONDS] - pause dialogue for a number of seconds, for pacing purposes

-- end denotes end of passage

  • once the script game hits an -- end block, the game ends

  • so all passages must send somewhere, or end the game

# starts a comment

  • keep in mind: the dsl is read at game runtime, so comments are not compiled out

  • this means that comments can, at present, affect execution time, so use them intentionally

blank lines are ignored

  • keep in mind: the dsl is read at game runtime, so blank lines are not compiled out


~84K SLoC