#blizzard #warcraft #mpq #mopaq

app mpqtool

A command-line tool for reading and creating Blizzard's MPQ archives

5 releases

0.1.4 Feb 20, 2020
0.1.3 Feb 1, 2020
0.1.2 Jan 31, 2020
0.1.1 Dec 27, 2019
0.1.0 Aug 21, 2019

#1662 in Parser implementations

MIT license

371 lines


mpqtool is a command-line utility for reading and writing Blizzard's MPQ archive files.

It is built on top of the ceres-mpq. Please refer to it for a detailed list of supported and unsupported MPQ features.


  • Extracting archives to a directory on the disk, optionally filtered by a glob expression
  • Listing files contained within an archive, optionally filtered by a glob expression
  • Viewing a single file within an archive, emitting its contents to stdout (possibly useful for chaining with other command-line tools)
  • Creating a new archive from a directory's contents
  • Preserving file headers when extracting and creating archives that are supposed to have them, e.g. WC3 maps
  • Removing and adding file from/to existing archives


NOTE: This tool does not have a GUI interface. If you need a visual MPQ editor, please refer to MPQ Editor.


If you have rustup and cargo installed, simply run:

cargo install mpqtool

This is the recommended way to install the tool on Linux and Mac systems, as it will automatically add the tool to your PATH if you have Cargo installed via your package manager.


Download the latest release from the releases section. Optionally, add the tool to your PATH so that you can invoke it anywhere on your command line.


mpqtool currently has 4 commands:

  • new - creates a new archive
  • extract - extracts the contents of an existing archive to a directory
  • view - views (prints to stdout) the contents of a single file within the archive
  • list - lists the files contained within an archive

Some commands also support specifying a --filter/-f argument to filter the output using a glob pattern.

To get usage help for a specific command, use mpqtool <command> -h. For example:

$ mpqtool extract --help
mpqtool-extract 0.1.0
extracts files from an archive

    mpqtool extract [OPTIONS] <archive>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --filter <pattern>    if specified, will only extract files which match the specified glob-pattern
    -o, --output <dir>        directory where to output extracted files [default: ./]

    <archive>    archive file to extract from


Extracting an archive called myarchive.mpq to a directory ./out:

$ mpqtool extract myarchive.mpq -o ./out

Viewing a file called war3map.j within an archive called myarchive.mpq:

$ mpqtool view myarchive.mpq war3map.j

Creating a new archive from a directory mydir called myarchive.mpq:

$ mpqtool new ./mydir myarhive.mpq 

Listing all .mdx files present in an archive:

$ mpqtool list myarchive.mpq -f "*.mdx"


~83K SLoC