#pack #instructions #card #account #user #index #weight


NFT Packs: mystery packs NFTs that are not revealed until after opening the pack

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Nov 1, 2022

#46 in #pack

Custom license and AGPL-3.0

4.5K SLoC

Metaplex NFT packs Solana program

Supports creation of "mystery" packages of NFTs that are not revealed until after "opening", similar to the experience you have when purchasing a pack of baseball cards at the store.

NFT packs actions

  • Admin init a pack
    • pack account is PDA with seeds [“nft-pack”, nft_pack_program_id, store, pack_admin_key, pack_name]
    • store address is saved in pack
    • set distribution type(max_supply, weighted, unlimited)
    • set allowed amount to redeem
    • set if it’s mutable
    • set dates(redeem start and end)
  • Add cards
    • adding a card means we transfer MasterEdition to program account so we are able to mint Edition once user open a pack
    • every card account is PDA with seeds [pack_key, "card", index]
  • Add voucher
    • save MasterEdition data(keys) so we can match Editions with this Master when users will open a pack
    • pack can have multiple different vouchers and every voucher has the same value and gives users the same amounts of cards from the pack
    • voucher is Edition in terms of Metaplex but in terms of nft-packs program it's PDA account with seeds [pack_key, "voucher", index] which stores some data
    • we can add only voucher which we are own
    • to sum up, when we add voucher to the pack we save MasterEdition key to the pack and every user who has Edition from that MasterEdition owns a voucher for created pack and can open it
  • Activate
    • in activated state admin can't change any pack data
    • users can start to open a pack (using RequestCardForRedeem and ClaimPack methods)
  • Deactivate
    • when pack is deactivated users can't interact with it and admin can change data
  • CleanUp
    • sort weights Vec which is stored in PackConfig account
  • Request card for redeem
    • user calls this instruction to receive index of card which he can redeem
    • program burns user's voucher token account
    • program is using hash of slot, timestamp and recent slothash to count probability to decide which card user will receive
    • probability is calculating using weighted list from PackConfig account
    • index of next card to redeem is written to ProvingProcess account
    • ProvingProcess is a PDA account with seeds [pack, "proving", voucher_mint_key]
    • once user call this instruction weights Vec should be sorted with CleanUp instruction
  • Claim
    • user call this instruction after they receive a card index from Request card for redeem
    • program mints new Edition to user wallet
  • Edit pack
    • can be called only if pack is in deactivated state
    • allows changing pack name, description, URI(pack wallpaper) and mutable fields
  • Close pack
    • can be called at any time if pack doesn't have redeem end date and if it has only after redeem end date
    • if admin tries to call this instruction before redeem end date program will return EndDateNotArrived error
    • irreversible pack state changing
  • Delete card
    • cards can be deleted only if pack is in closed state
    • deleting cards means transferring MasterEdition back to the admin, zeroing PackCard account and emptying the card balance
  • Delete voucher
    • vouchers can be deleted only if pack is in closed state
    • empty the balance
  • Delete pack
    • pack can be deleted only when all the cards and vouchers were deleted
    • empty the balance



Parameter Type Description
store Pubkey Store
name [u8; 32] Pack's name
description String Pack description
img_link String(limited to 200) Link to Arweave cover image
authority Pubkey Pack authority
pack_cards u32 Card masters counter
pack_vouchers u32 Pack voucher counter
total_weight u64 Total weight
total_editions u64 Total amount of editions pack can mint
mutable bool If true authority can make changes at deactivated phase
pack_state enum [not activated, activated, deactivated, ended]
distribution_type enum [max_supply, weighted, unlimited]
allowed_amount_to_redeem u32 Count of cards user can try to redeem
redeem_start_date u64 Date when users can start to redeem cards
redeem_end_date Option(u64) Date when pack set becomes inactive


PDA with seeds ['card', pack_key, index]

Parameter Type Description
pack_set Pubkey Pack key
master Pubkey MasterEdition account
metadata Pubkey Metadata account
token_account Pubkey Program token account which holds MasterEdition token
max_supply u32 How many editions this card can mint
weight u16 Card weight. Uses in probability calculation for fixed and unlimited distribution types


PDA with seeds ['voucher', pack_key, index]

Parameter Type Description
pack_set Pubkey Pack set key
master Pubkey MasterEdition account
metadata Pubkey Metadata account


PDA with seeds ['proving', pack_key, voucher_edition_mint]

Parameter Type Description
wallet_key Pubkey User wallet key
is_exhausted bool Is there left any card in voucher
pack_set Pubkey Pack set key
voucher_mint Pubkey Voucher mint
cards_redeemed u32 How many cards user already redeemed
cards_to_redeem BTreeMap(u32, u32) BTreeMap with cards to redeem and statuses if it's already redeemed


PDA with seeds ['config', pack_key]

Parameter Type Description
weights Vec<(u32, u32, u32)> Weights Vec(u32 card_index, u32 either max_supply or weight, u32 max_supply for weighted cards)
action_to_do enum[change, sort, none] Action CleanUp instruction has to do

Distribution types

  • Unlimited

    Probability is set by user, putting weight (chance of revealing) for each card.

    Supply — unlimited (cards never run out), user can't choose amount of each cards for the pack.

    Cards with unlimited edition could be used inside the pack.

  • Weighted

    Probability is set by user, putting weight (chance of revealing) for each card.

    Supply — limited, user chooses amount of each cards for the pack.

    Cards with limited and unlimited (user needs to set max supply for unlimited ones) edition could be used inside the pack.

  • Supply

    Probability is set automatically depending on supply of each card.

    Supply — limited, user chooses amount of each cards for the pack.

    Cards with limited and unlimited (user needs to set max supply for unlimited ones) edition could be used inside the pack.


~627K SLoC