3 releases
0.1.2 | May 13, 2022 |
0.1.1 | Apr 29, 2022 |
0.1.0 | Apr 25, 2022 |
#1792 in Cryptography
This is a simple cli-application using crates
- modernized_vigenere
- clap
Please check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher for a brief definition of the Vigenere cipher.
As you can see, this encryption/decryption is based on shifting the letters, based on a en/de-cryption phrase.
But time has changed since the 16th century:
The dominent way to pass information, is not via paper (using the alphabetic letters) any more.
Today, we use files ( and not only ASCII-files ).
So this modernized lib does not shift alphabetic letters but bytes !
Therefore this lib can be used to en/de-crypt not only ASCII-files, but any kind of files (yes, even binaries),
and is able to use not only Strings but also (binary) files as a phrase for en/de-cryption.
$ mod_vig --help
mod_vig 0.1.0
cli for a modernized Vigenere algorithm
mod_vig [OPTIONS] --ifile <IFILE> --phrase <PHRASE> --ofile <OFILE>
-d, --decrypt encrypt or decrypt
-h, --help Print help information
-i, --ifile <IFILE> Name of the input file
-o, --ofile <OFILE> Name of the output file
-p, --phrase <PHRASE> cipher phrase-file or cipher phrase
-v, --verbose print verbose messages
-V, --version Print version information
$ mod_vig -i /tmp/CatContent.pdf -p "This is the cipher-phrase" -o /tmp/CatContent.encrypted -v
encrypting /tmp/CatContent.pdf into /tmp/CatContent.encrypted ...
Time: 0.014832271 seconds
$ mod_vig -d -i /tmp/CatContent.encrypted -p "This is the cipher-phrase" -o /tmp/CatContent.decrypted -v
decrypting /tmp/CatContent.encrypted into /tmpCatContent.decrypted ...
Time: 0.014272052 seconds
$ cksum /tmp/CatCont*
1821036750 1194280 /tmp/CatContent.decrypted
1466043786 1194280 /tmp/CatContent.encrypted
1821036750 1194280 /tmp/CatContent.pdf
$ file /tmp/CatCont*
/tmp/CatContent.decrypted: PDF document, version 1.6
/tmp/CatContent.encrypted: data
/tmp/CatContent.pdf: PDF document, version 1.6
Thank you too everyone who participated in the development of rust, cargo, atom or any crate.
~63K SLoC