1 unstable release

0.2.0 Jun 14, 2024

#1236 in Command line utilities

Download history 99/week @ 2024-06-09 30/week @ 2024-06-16

129 downloads per month

Custom license

449 lines


A simple command-line application that allows users to send HTTP requests and view the response, making it convenient for testing APIs. It supports various HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. It also provides the option to pretty-print the response in JSON format or display it as a table.


  1. Send HTTP requests:

    • GET: Retrieve data from a specified URL.
    • POST: Send data to a specified URL.
    • PUT: Update data at a specified URL.
    • PATCH: Partially update data at a specified URL.
    • DELETE: Delete data at a specified URL.
  2. Interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop):

    • Users can interactively enter commands in the app.
    • Commands are executed and responses are displayed in real-time.
  3. History:

    • It keeps a history of previous requests and responses.
    • Users can view the session history to see the details of past requests and responses.
  4. Pretty-print response:

    • It provides the option to pretty-print the JSON response.
    • Users can choose between a table format or a formatted JSON string.
  5. Error handling:

    • It does error handling for various scenarios, such as invalid methods or URLs, failed requests, etc.
  6. History persistence:

    • It also saves the session history to a file (history.txt) and loads it on startup.
    • This ensures that the history is preserved between different sessions.

Upcoming Features

  • Request Headers: Allow users to specify custom headers for their requests.
  • Authentication: Support different authentication methods like Basic Authentication, API keys, OAuth, etc.
  • Request Timeout: Allow users to set a timeout for their requests.
  • Response Status Codes: Display the HTTP status code along with the response. This will provide more context about the success or failure of the request.
  • Response Time: Show the time taken to receive the response from the server.
  • Environment Variables: Support the use of environment variables, allowing users to store and reference variables like API keys or base URLs without hardcoding them in commands.
  • Batch Requests: Allow users to send multiple requests in a batch, either by reading a file containing a list of requests or by providing a formatted input.
  • File Upload: Enable users to upload files as part of their requests, such as sending images, documents, or other binary data to the server.
  • Response Caching: Implement a caching mechanism to store responses locally. This can help speed up subsequent requests to the same endpoint, especially for APIs with frequently accessed data.
  • Automated Testing: Allow user to test APIs automatically by fetching requests from YAML file.


  1. Start the application.
  2. Enter commands in the following format: <HTTP_METHOD> <HEADER> <URL>.
    • For example: GET {} https://api.example.com/data.
  3. View the response.
    • If the response is JSON, it can be displayed as a table or a formatted string.
    • The session history can be accessed with the command history.
  4. Continue entering commands or type exit to exit the app.

Command-line Arguments

It supports the following command-line arguments:

  • -t or --response-timeout: Sets response timeout (default: 30s).
  • -c or --cache-size: Sets cache size (default: 100).
  • -j or --json: Outputs the response in JSON format (default: false).

Example usage: may -j -t 1 -c 10


It was developed using the Rust programming language and following open-source crates:

  • argh: Command-line argument parsing.
  • json_to_table: Converts JSON data to a table format.
  • reqwest: HTTP client for sending requests.
  • rustyline: Library for creating an interactive command-line REPL.
  • serde_json: JSON serialization and deserialization.
  • tabled: Formats tabular data.


It is licensed under the MIT License.


~519K SLoC