5 releases (breaking)

0.5.0 Jul 11, 2023
0.4.0 Jun 9, 2023
0.3.0 Apr 9, 2021
0.2.0 Feb 1, 2021
0.1.0 Aug 21, 2019

#1404 in Web programming

Used in 3 crates



Medea Client API protocol

Latest version Rust 1.65+ Unsafe Forbidden Rust docs

API docs | Changelog

Client API protocol implementation for Medea media server.

Cargo features

  • client (default): Enables Deserialize implementation for Events, and Serialize implementation for Commands.
  • server: Enables Deserialize implementation for Commands, and Serialize implementation for Events.
  • extended-stats: Enables unused RTC Stats DTOs.

Contribution guide

Avoid using 64 bit types. medea-jason uses wasm-bindgen to interop with JS, and exposing 64 bit types to JS will make wasm-bindgen to use BigInt64Array / BigUint64Array in its JS glue, which are not implemented or were implemented too recently in some UAs.

So, it's better to keep protocol 64-bit-types-clean to avoid things breaking by accident.


Copyright © 2019-2023 Instrumentisto Team, https://github.com/instrumentisto

This software is subject to the terms of the Blue Oak Model License 1.0.0. If a copy of the BlueOak-1.0.0 license was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://blueoakcouncil.org/license/1.0.0.


~39K SLoC