#blas-lapack #blas #matlab #lapack #rustmex #linear-algebra

sys matlabblas-src

Provide a source for MATLAB's BLAS library for use with the BLAS crates

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 13, 2023

#1511 in Math

MPL-2.0 license



Source crate for the BLAS and LAPACK libraries provided with matlab. To be used with the BLAS crates on crates.io.

Installation and recommendations

This crate is an empty library; the only think it does is say that it links to another external library.

Normally, to use BLAS, you would something akin to the following in your Cargo.toml file.

cblas = "0.4.0"
openblas-src = {version = "0.8", default-features = false, features = ["cblas", "static"], optional = true }

As with all the BLAS family of crates, you use a binding/wrapper crate to program against (which pulls in a sys crate which provides the actual library symbols), and select a backend, which provides the implementation (in the above example, that would be openblas).

Instead, iff you are compiling a mex file (for example with rustmex), and would like to use BLAS, this crate is for you. Instead of linking to another BLAS backend, you can use this crate to link to the one Matlab itself provides (and uses). This crate thus takes the place of a src crate in BLAS's architecture.

This comes with some extra complexity, however. The onus is on you to provide the correct paths to rustc. Specifically, you have to set the library search path and the library names to use in your config.toml file:

rustc-link-search = ["~/bin/R2022a/bin/glnxa64"]
rustc-link-lib = ["mwblas", "mwlapack"]

Substitute <triple> with the triple you are compiling for (the "host" field of the output of rustc -vV). Matlab will print the appropriate search path when you run fullfile(matlabroot(), 'bin', computer('arch')) in your Matlab prompt.
