16 releases
0.1.15 | Jan 20, 2020 |
0.1.14 | Jul 30, 2019 |
0.1.11 | Jun 21, 2019 |
0.1.10 | Apr 29, 2019 |
0.1.3 | Dec 29, 2018 |
#70 in Email
42 downloads per month
[UNOFFICIAL] Mailchimp API Implementation
NOTA: NOTE: The library is in development, in the section "Implementation Status" I show you that I have implemented and that not.
What can you do with the library?
- ✅ Get the general information about your Mailchimp Account
- Total Subscribers
- Industry Stats
- Account Industry
- ...
- ✅ Get all your Mailchimp Automations, and information of each of them
- ✅ Get all your Mailchimp Campaigns, and information of each of them
- ✅ Get all your Mailchimp Lists, and information of each of them
- ✅ And more...
✅ Example of how you can extract all the automations
More examples in examples/*
mailchimp = "0.1"
Rust Code:
use mailchimp::MailchimpApi;
use mailchimp::{Automations, AutomationsFilter};
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
// Init the API instance with the API KEY
let api = MailchimpApi::new("<API_KEY>");
// Create instance of Automations
let automations = Automations::new(api);
// Now you can go through all the automations and display information on
// each of the automations.
for w in automations.iter(AutomationsFilter::default()) {
let settings = w.settings.as_ref().unwrap();
last_automation_id = w.id.as_ref().unwrap().to_string();
println!("ID {:?}", w.id);
println!("Title {:?}", settings.title);
println!("Emails Sent {:?}", w.emails_sent);
println!("Report Summary {:?}", w.report_summary);
println!("Start Time {:?}", w.start_time);
println!("Create Time {:?}", w.create_time);
println!("Status {:?}", w.status);
println!("Tracking {:?}", w.tracking);
println!("Trigger Settings {:?}", w.trigger_settings);
println!("Recipients {:?}", w.recipients);
Example get all mailchimp reports
extern crate mailchimp;
use mailchimp::types::ReportType;
use mailchimp::{MailchimpApi, Reports};
fn main() {
// Init API
let api = MailchimpApi::new("<API_KEY>");
// Create Instance of Reports
let reports = Reports::new(api);
// Get information about all reports.
let reports_iter = reports.iter_reports(None);
for report in reports_iter {
fn print_report_type(report: &ReportType) {
println!("\tid {:?}", report.id);
println!("\tcampaign_title {:?}", report.campaign_title);
println!("\treport_type {:?}", report.report_type);
println!("\tlist_id {:?}", report.list_id);
println!("\tlist_is_active {:?}", report.list_is_active);
println!("\tlist_is_active {:?}", report.list_is_active);
println!("\tlist_name {:?}", report.list_name);
println!("\tsubject_line {:?}", report.subject_line);
println!("\tpreview_text {:?}", report.preview_text);
println!("\temails_sent {:?}", report.emails_sent);
println!("\tabuse_reports {:?}", report.abuse_reports);
println!("\tunsubscribed {:?}", report.unsubscribed);
println!("\tsend_time {:?}", report.send_time);
println!("\trss_last_send {:?}", report.rss_last_send);
println!("\tbounces {:?}", report.bounces);
println!("\tforwards {:?}", report.forwards);
println!("\topens {:?}", report.opens);
println!("\tclicks {:?}", report.clicks);
println!("\topens {:?}", report.opens);
println!("\tfacebook_likes {:?}", report.facebook_likes);
println!("\tlist_stats {:?}", report.list_stats);
println!("\tab_split {:?}", report.ab_split);
println!("\ttimewarp {:?}", report.timewarp);
println!("\ttimeseries {:?}", report.timeseries);
println!("\tshare_report {:?}", report.share_report);
println!("\tecommerce {:?}", report.ecommerce);
println!("\tdelivery_status {:?}", report.delivery_status);
More examples in examples/*
Status of Development
Below I present a list where I will be updating to the extent possible the different endpoints supported by the library
Authorized Apps
- ✅ Link your application
- ✅ Get a list of authorized apps
- ✅ Get information about a specific authorized app
✅ Create a new Automation
✅ Get a list of Automations
✅ Get information about a specific Automation workflow
✅ Update an Automation
✅ [Action] Pause all emails in an Automation workflow
✅ [Action] Start all emails in an Automation workflow
✅ Get a list of automated emails in a workflow
✅ Get information about a specific workflow email
✅ Update an Automation workflow email
✅ Delete a workflow email
✅ Pause an automated email
✅ Start an automated email
- ✅ View queued subscribers for an automated email
- ✅ View specific subscriber in email queue
- ✅ Add a subscriber to a workflow email
Removed Subscribers
- ✅ Remove subscriber from a workflow
- ✅ View all subscribers removed from a workflow
✅ Create a new list
✅ Batch sub/unsub list members
✅ Get information about all lists
✅ Get information about a specific list
- ✅ Abuse Reports
- ✅ Activity
- ✅ Clients
- ✅ Growth History
- ✅ Interest Categories
- ✅ Locations
- ✅ Members
- ✅ Merge Fields
- ✅ Segments
- ✅ Signup Forms
- ✅ Webhooks
- ✅ Locations
✅ Create a new campaign
✅ Get all campaigns
✅ Get information about a specific campaign
✅ Update the settings for a campaign
✅ Delete a campaign
✅ Cancel a campaign
✅ Resend a campaign
✅ Pause an RSS-Driven campaign
✅ Replicate a campaign
✅ Resume an RSS-Driven campaign
✅ Schedule a campaign
✅ Send a campaign
✅ Send a test email
✅ Unschedule a campaign
✅ Content
✅ Feedback
✅ Send Checklist
✅ Ping
✅ Conversations
- ✅ Get a list of conversations
- ✅ Get information about a conversation
- ✅ Messages
- ✅ Post a new conversation message
- ✅ Get conversation messages
- ✅ Get a specific conversation message
🔘 Reports
* ✅ Get campaign reports
* ✅ Get a specific campaign report
* 🔘 Campaign Abuse
* 🔘 Campaign Advice
* 🔘 Campaign Open Reports
* 🔘 Click Reports
* 🔘 Get domain performance stats
* 🔘 Ecommerce Product Activity
* 🔘 EepURL Reports
* 🔘 Email Activity
* 🔘 Google Analytics
* 🔘 Location
* 🔘 Sent To
* 🔘 Sub-Reports
* 🔘 Unsubscribes
🔘 E-commerce Stores
🔘 Reporting
🔘 Campaign Folders
🔘 Batch Operations
🔘 Connected Sites
🔘 Batch Webhooks
🔘 Facebook Ads
🔘 File Manager Files
🔘 File Manager Folders
🔘 Google Ads
🔘 Landing Pages
🔘 Landing Pages
🔘 Search Campaigns
🔘 Search Members
🔘 Template Folders
🔘 Templates
You want to contribute to this project? Wow, thanks! So please just fork it and send me a pull request.
Support My Efforts
I programmed this lib for fun and do my best effort to support those that have issues with it, please return the favor and support me.
~162K SLoC