#macro-derive #attributes #macro #derive #custom #custom-derive

no-std macro-attr

This crate provides the macro_attr! macro that enables the use of custom, macro-based attributes and derivations. Supercedes the custom_derive crate.

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.2.0 Nov 21, 2016

#1996 in Rust patterns

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701 downloads per month
Used in 11 crates (10 directly)



Rust 841 SLoC // 0.3% comments Python 353 SLoC // 0.1% comments


This crate provides the macro_attr! macro that enables the use of custom, macro-based attributes and derivations. Supercedes the custom_derive crate.



macro-attr is compatible with Rust 1.2 and higher.


#[macro_use] extern crate macro_attr;

// Define some traits to be derived.

trait TypeName {
    fn type_name() -> &'static str;

trait ReprType {
    type Repr;

// Define macros which derive implementations of these macros.

macro_rules! TypeName {
    // We can support any kind of item we want.
    (() $(pub)* enum $name:ident $($tail:tt)*) => { TypeName! { @impl $name } };
    (() $(pub)* struct $name:ident $($tail:tt)*) => { TypeName! { @impl $name } };

    // Inner rule to cut down on repetition.
    (@impl $name:ident) => {
        impl TypeName for $name {
            fn type_name() -> &'static str { stringify!($name) }

macro_rules! ReprType {
    // Note that we use a "derivation argument" here for the `$repr` type.
    (($repr:ty) $(pub)* enum $name:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
        impl ReprType for $name {
            type Repr = $repr;

// Here is a macro that *modifies* the item.

macro_rules! rename_to {
        then $cb:tt,
        enum $_old_name:ident $($tail:tt)*
    ) => {
        macro_attr_callback! {
            enum $new_name $($tail)*

macro_attr! {
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, ReprType!(u8), TypeName!)]
    enum Foo { A, B }

fn main() {
    let bar = Bar::B;
    let v = bar as <Bar as ReprType>::Repr;
    let msg = format!("{}: {:?} ({:?})", Bar::type_name(), bar, v);
    assert_eq!(msg, "Bar: B (1)");


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