#driver #embedded-hal-driver #platform #detect #angle #sensor #digital

no-std ma734

Platform agnostic Rust driver for the MA734, digital angle sensor that detects the absolute angular position of a permanent magnet

4 releases

0.1.1 Mar 26, 2023
0.1.0 Mar 25, 2023
0.0.2 Mar 24, 2023
0.0.1 Mar 24, 2023

#1771 in Embedded development

41 downloads per month


287 lines


Platform agnostic Rust driver for the MA734, digital angle sensor that detects the absolute angular position of a permanent magnet, typically a diametrically magnetized cylinder on a rotating shaft.


The documentation can be found at docs.rs.


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A platform agnostic Rust driver for the ma734, based on the embedded-hal traits.

The Device

The MA734 is a MagAlpha digital angle sensor that detects the absolute angular position of a permanent magnet, typically a diametrically magnetized cylinder on a rotating shaft.

