Cargo Features

linera-alloy-eips = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "serde", "kzg", "ssz", "arbitrary"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever linera-alloy-eips is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default arbitrary? ssz?

Enables std of alloy-rlp, optional c-kzg ^1.0, linera-alloy-primitives, optional once_cell, and optional serde


Enables once_cell::sync module.


Enables serde, serde of linera-alloy-primitives and optional c-kzg ^1.0


Enables c-kzg ^1.0, derive_more ^0.99.17, and once_cell

Affects eip4844::env_settings, eip4844::trusted_setup_points, sidecar::BlobTransactionValidationError

ssz = std

Enables ethereum_ssz ^0.5 and ethereum_ssz_derive ^0.5, ssz of linera-alloy-primitives

arbitrary = std

Enables arbitrary, proptest and proptest-derive ^0.4, arbitrary of linera-alloy-primitives