0.1.3 Apr 4, 2023
0.1.0 Apr 13, 2023

#2 in #linkspace

30 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 license

4.5K SLoC

Linkspace - a general purpose supernet

Supernet [ˈsü-pərˌnet] A self-referential multi-participant data organization protocol whose primary addressing method uses hashes instead of endpoint identifiers. A communication protocol where the method of exchange is an extraneous concern. e.g. git, bitcoin, nostr, linkspace

In a supernet anybody can talk about data, instead of talking at a server.

A multi-copy data-first systems. A supernet is ideal when multiple participants want to own and administrate a (part of a) digital system. This is oppose to the current technologies that have users contact a single host, which acts as the de facto administrator by virtue of hosting the data.

Linkspace is supernet with the following highlights:

  • Small and powerful API
  • Fast (Blake3, no JSON/Base64 encoding, well aligned fields)
  • Path (URL like) addressable packets.
  • Group/Domain split

To write applications for a supernet requires a different perspective compared to managing sockets. The challenge is defining a super structure that can work across time and space with noisy incomplete data. Or treat it as a shared folder. That works as well.

In return a supernet provides a lot of useful properties including: Serverless, free, extensible, reusable, adaptable, scalable, lockin-resistant, lockout-resistant, verifyable, optional accountability, inherent privacy,fault tolerant etc.

Checkout Basics for a simple introduction. Download to give it a try and say hi on the test group. Checkout the Guide if you're up for some programming.

The packet format and index is stable, but expect some unimplemented feature and rough edges.


~410K SLoC