libgit2-sys is used at run time in 1,313 crates (of which 81 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 10 crates. It's used at build time in 247 crates (of which 16 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 59 crates.

Number of dependers libgit2-sys version Downloads/month
0 0.18.0+1.9.0 0
40 0.18.0+1 0
434 0.17.0+1 489K
250 0.16.2+1 544K
119 0.15.2+1 20K
241 0.14.2+1 95K
80 0.13.5+1 11K
252 0.12.26+1 23K
18 0.10.0 800
33 0.9.2 800
11 0.8.2 650
77 0.7.11 950
46 0.6.19 490
2 0.5.3 0
11 0.4.6 49
5 0.3.12 49
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) libgit2-sys version
1.1M 1017 git2 ^0.18.0
90K 124 cargo ^0.17.0
150 my-cargo ^0.17.0
120 vkcargo ^0.12.0
cargo-semverver ^0.7.9
clanker ^0.12.3
gw-bin ^0.17.0
koko ^0.15.2
idgit ^0.12.19
telegram_bots_api optional ^0.16.2