#font #figma #system

bin+lib libfonthelper

Reads fonts in passed directories and return objects of fonts for Figma Font Helper

22 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.3.9 Apr 4, 2023
0.3.5 Mar 22, 2023
0.3.4 Oct 11, 2021
0.2.9-beta.0 Sep 6, 2020
0.2.2 Sep 5, 2019

#480 in Filesystem


72 lines


This module find (by mask: \.(tt[fc]|otf|pfb)) and combine all fonts from the passed directories. And returns IFonts object of fonts of next structure:

interface IFontsFigmaItem {
	postscript: string;
	family: string;
	id: string;
	style?: string;
	weight?: number;
	stretch?: number;
	italic?: boolean;

interface IFonts {
	[path: string]: Array<IFontsFigmaItem>


{ '/usr/share/fonts/opentype/stix/STIXVariants-Bold.otf':
   [ { postscript: 'STIXVariants-Bold',
       family: 'STIXVariants',
       id: 'STIXVariants',
       style: 'Bold',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false } ],
   [ { postscript: 'STIXIntegralsUpSm-Bold',
       family: 'STIXIntegralsUpSm',
       id: 'STIXIntegralsUpSm',
       style: 'Bold',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false } ],
   [ { postscript: 'STIXNonUnicode-Regular',
       family: 'STIXNonUnicode',
       id: 'STIXNonUnicode',
       style: 'Regular',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false } ],
   [ { postscript: 'STIXSizeFourSym-Regular',
       family: 'STIXSizeFourSym',
       id: 'STIXSizeFourSym',
       style: 'Regular',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false } ],
   [ { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKjp-DemiLight',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK JP',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK JP',
       style: 'DemiLight',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false },
     { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKkr-DemiLight',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK KR',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK KR',
       style: 'DemiLight',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false },
     { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKsc-DemiLight',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK SC',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK SC',
       style: 'DemiLight',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false },
     { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKtc-DemiLight',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK TC',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK TC',
       style: 'DemiLight',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false } ],
   [ { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKjp-Thin',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK JP',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK JP',
       style: 'Thin',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false },
     { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKkr-Thin',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK KR',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK KR',
       style: 'Thin',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false },
     { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKsc-Thin',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK SC',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK SC',
       style: 'Thin',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false },
     { postscript: 'NotoSansCJKtc-Thin',
       family: 'Noto Sans CJK TC',
       id: 'Noto Sans CJK TC',
       style: 'Thin',
       weight: 400,
       stretch: 5,
       italic: false } ] }



~58K SLoC