6 releases

0.3.1 Dec 10, 2023
0.3.0 Dec 17, 2022
0.2.2 Jul 25, 2021
0.2.1 Feb 14, 2021
0.1.0 Aug 22, 2020

#79 in Multimedia

34 downloads per month
Used in flac-bound


46K SLoC

C 40K SLoC // 0.1% comments Rust 4K SLoC // 0.0% comments C++ 1.5K SLoC // 0.1% comments Shell 14 SLoC

Contains (obscure autoconf code, 6KB) ogg/configure.ac

Rust FFI bindings to the libFLAC library

This crate provides raw FFI bindings to the libFLAC library for reading and writing losslessly compressed FLAC audio files.

Following the *-sys package conventions, the libflac-sys crate does not define higher-level abstractions over the native libFLAC library functions.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

libflac-sys = "0.3"


  • build-flac (enabled by default): build libFLAC instead of linking to the system library – cmake and a C toolchain is required
  • build-ogg (enabled by default, implies build-flac): build support for FLAC data in OGG containers into libFLAC; if build-flac is not selected, support for OGG containers depends on the configuration of the system libFLAC

Auto-generating the Rust bindings

The Rust bindings have already been auto-generated with bindgen (using the bindgen/run-bindgen.sh script) and are part of this crate (see src/bindings.rs).


If you want to report a problem or suggest an improvement, please go to https://github.com/mgeier/libflac-sys. Contributions are always welcome!


This crate uses the BSD-3-Clause license, in reference to Xiph.Org's BSD-like license which is used as libFLAC license and libogg license.
