#leetcode #tree-node #problem #binary-tree #library #check #cell


A Rust library for Tree Node LeetCode problems

11 releases

0.1.132 Mar 21, 2024
0.1.131 Mar 21, 2024

#597 in Data structures

Download history 393/week @ 2024-03-15 191/week @ 2024-03-22 88/week @ 2024-03-29 22/week @ 2024-04-05

492 downloads per month

MIT license


LeetCode Trees in Rust

This library is made to make any LeetCoders using Rust have a better experience at solving their LeetCode (LC) problems. It uses cargo make to have reproducible sub modules (check leetcode-trees-rs/solutions/README.md) as well as implementing the definition of the binary trees on LC.

Quick start on using the library:

use leetcode_trees_rs::{prelude::*, utils::TreeNode}; // Importing the library.

struct Solution {} // Assigning an empty struct to make a solution impl block.

use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
impl Solution {
    pub fn your_leetcode_fn() {}

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    // Your testing here . . .
    // Alternatively, you can just use functions with #[test] definitions.


Additional code templating can be found in This template file. It's located at: solutions/lc0_general_nodes_template/src/main.rs



LeetCode Trees's purpose is making LeetCode problems easier to work around with via some simple library exports that allow for a smoother development experience by allowing you to use your primary IDE rather than the LeetCode website to solve the problems.


These are the two ways to can add this library to your project:

Number 1 - Via the Cargo.toml file by adding this;

leetcode-trees-rs = "0.1"

Number 2 - Via running the following command in your terminal:

cargo add leetcode-trees-rs


The usage is very simple. These are the primary components:

Additionally, via the support of the cargo make library you can comfortably run your LeetCode tests by running:

cargo make leetcode_problem_number

Assuming there's a LeetCode submittion for it. All the solutions are managed on the GitHub page of this libray.


~696K SLoC