#open-wrt #key-file #sign #verify #fingerprint #ed25519-key #signature-verification

bin+lib ksign

OpenWRT’s usign utility rewritten in Rust. The crate provides both the executable and the library.

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Sep 29, 2024
0.1.0 Sep 22, 2024

#520 in Cryptography

Download history 149/week @ 2024-09-20 221/week @ 2024-09-27 26/week @ 2024-10-04 7/week @ 2024-10-11

403 downloads per month

MIT license

647 lines


Crates.io Version Docs dependency status

OpenWRT's usign utility rewritten in Rust. The crate provides both the executable and the library. Use it to sign files using Ed25519 keys.

Usage: ksign [OPTIONS]

  -V                  Verify signed file
  -S                  Sign speificed file
  -F                  Print key fingerprint for public key, secret key or signature
  -G                  Generate a new key pair
  -c <COMMENT>        The comment to include in the file
  -m <FILE>           Message file
  -p <FILE>           Public key file
  -P <DIRECTORY>      Public key directory
  -q                  Do not print signature verification status to stdout
  -s <FILE>           Secret key file
  -x <FILE>           Signature file
  -h                  Print help


~89K SLoC