#css-color #models #parser #hex #alpha #rgb #hsl

yanked klar

Parse, modify and convert CSS colors between common color models

0.1.0 Jul 18, 2021

#22 in #css-color

MIT license



This crate provides an API for parsing, modifying and converting CSS colors.


Documentation for klar can be found on docs.rs.

Project Goals

  • Make interacting with colors easier and more accessible for designers and developers
  • Provide full support for the following color models:
    • Hexadecimal: 3-digit, 6-digit and 8-digit (includes alpha channel)
    • RGB and RGBA
    • HSL and HSLA
    • Named colors
  • Adhere to W3C definition of CSS colors


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



This crate provides an API for parsing, modifying and converting CSS colors.

Project Goals

  • Make interacting with colors easier and more accessible for designers and developers
  • Provide full support for the following color models:
    • Hexadecimal: 3-digit, 6-digit and 8-digit (includes alpha channel)
    • RGB and RGBA
    • HSL and HSLA
    • Named colors
  • Adhere to W3C definition of CSS colors
  • TBD

No runtime deps