20 releases (8 breaking)

0.9.0 Jul 13, 2022
0.8.2 Jun 30, 2022

#212 in Caching

Download history 52/week @ 2024-03-31

70 downloads per month

MIT license


Karsher - dumb cache / dumb terminal

  • use help for help
  • use static build under dist/musl or use cargo build / cargo run
│ # │  pid   │  name   │  status  │ cpu  │   mem   │ virtual │
│ 0886916 │ karsher │ Sleeping │ 0.004.0 KiB │ 5.3 MiB │

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Rust                            15            325             16           2110
SUM:                            15            325             16           2110

Static build using MUSL:

cargo build --release 

should print "statically linked":

ldd target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/karsher 

install using cargo

cargo install karsher --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl 


RUST_LOG=info karsher


docker build -t karsher .

docker run -it karsher 

Args - override

# open an in memory db

karsher --inmemory

# override db path & history path + fallback in memory in case of an error (default to false)
# path must exist! file doesn't have to.

karsher --dbpath /tmp/mydb.db --historypath /tmp/myhistory.txt --fallback


~266K SLoC