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0.0.1 Sep 19, 2024

#359 in Magic Beans

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Used in ixc_testing



WARNING: This is an API preview! Expect major bugs, glaring omissions, and breaking changes!

This is the single import, batteries-included crate for building applications with the Cosmos SDK in Rust.

Core Concepts

  • everything that runs code is an account with a unique [AccountID]
  • the code that runs an account is called a handler

Getting Started

Follow these steps to create the basic structure for account handler:

  1. Create a nested module (ex. mod my_handler) for the handler
  2. Import this crate with use ixc::*; (optional, but recommended)
  3. Add a handler struct to the nested mod block (ex. pub struct MyHandler)
  4. Annotate the struct with #[derive(Resources)]
  5. Annotate the mod block with #[ixc::handler(MyHandler)]
  6. Define an #[on_create] method for the handler struct

Here's an example:

mod my_handler {
  use ixc::*;

  pub struct MyHandler {}
  impl MyHandler {
    fn create(&mut self, ctx: &Context) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }

The #[on_create] method will be called when the account is created and must return a [Result<()>]. It can take additional arguments as needed.

Managing State

All the account's "resources" are managed by its handler struct. Internal state is the primary "resource" that a handler interacts with. (The other resources are references to other modules and accounts, which will be covered later.) State is defined using the state_objects framework which defines types for storing and retrieving state. See the state_objects documentation for more complete information.


The most basic state object type is Item, which is a single value that can be read and written. Here's an example of adding an item state resource to the handler:

pub struct MyHandler {
    pub owner: Item<AccountID>,

All state object resources should have the #[state] attribute. The prefix attribute indicates the store key prefix and is optional, but recommended.


[Map] is a common type for any more complex state as it allows for multiple values to be stored and retrieved by a key. Here's an example of adding a map state resource to the handler:

pub struct MyHandler {
    pub owner: Item<AccountID>,
    #[state(prefix=2, key(account), value(amount))]
    pub my_map: Map<AccountID, u64>,

Map state objects require key and value parameters in their #[state] attribute in order to name the key and value fields in the map for querying by clients.

Other State Objects

See the state_objects documentation for more information on other state object types. In particular, the Accumulator and AccumulatorMap types are useful whenever any sort of balance or supply tracking is needed.

Publishing message handlers

Message handlers can be defined by attaching the #[publish] attribute to one of the following targets:

  • any inherent impl block for the handler struct, in which case all pub functions in that block will be treated as message handlers
  • any pub function in an inherent impl block for the handler struct
  • an impl block for the handler struct for any trait that has `#[handler_api] attached to it

All message handler functions should immutably borrow the handler struct as the first argument (&self). If they modify state, they should mutably borrow Context and if they only read state, they should immutably borrow Context. Other arguments can be provided to the function signature as needed and the return type should be Result parameterized with the return type of the function. The supported argument types are that implement ixc_schema::SchemaValue. See the ixc_schema crate for more information.

Here's an example demonstrating all three methods:

impl MyHandler {
    pub fn set_caller_value(&self, ctx: &mut Context, x: u64) -> Result<()> {
        self.my_map.set(ctx, ctx.caller(), x)?;

impl MyHandler {
    pub fn set_owner(&self, ctx: &mut Context, new_owner: Address) -> Result<()> {
        if ctx.caller() != self.owner(ctx)? {
            return Err("Unauthorized".into());
        self.owner.set(ctx, new_owner)?;

pub trait GetMyValue {
    fn get_my_value(&self, ctx: &Context) -> Result<u64>;

impl GetMyValue for MyHandler {
    fn get_my_value(&self, ctx: &Context) -> Result<u64> {
        Ok(self.my_map.get(ctx, &ctx.caller())?)

Emitting Events

Events can be emitted by adding EventBus parameters to method handler functions where each EventBus is parameterized with an event type (usually a struct which derives SchemaValue). Adding event buses for each type of event to each method ensures that the event API is clearly defined in a handler's schema for external users. (When client types are generated, however, the event bus parameters are not included in the generated client types so that callers don't need to worry about these.)

Here's an example of emitting an event:

impl MyAccountHandler {
    pub fn set_caller_value(&mut self, ctx: &Context, x: u64, evt_bus: &mut EventBus<SetValueVent>) -> Result<()> {
        self.my_map.set(ctx, ctx.caller(), x)?;
        evt_bus.emit(SetValueEvent { caller: ctx.caller.clone(), value: x });

pub struct SetValueEvent {
    pub caller: AccountID,
    pub value: u64,

NOTE: for now, events don't do anything and are discarded. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.

Calling other accounts

Any account may call any other account or module in the app by calling the client structs that are generated for handlers and #[handler_api] traits.

Clients can be defined as resources in the handler struct using the #[client] attribute and the AccountID as an integer (NOTE: more robust ways of setting this are planned).

While clients can be instantiated and called dynamically, it's better to define them as explicit resources so that:

  • framework tooling can ensure that API type definitions are consistent between different codebases
  • the framework can ensure that the required accounts are present in the app at startup

Here's an example of defining a client resource for #[handler_api] trait. In this case we must cast that trait dynamically to Service to get its client type (ex. <dyn MyTrait as Service>::Client):

pub struct MyHandler {
    pub get_my_value_client: <dyn GetMyValue as Service>::Client,

Sending dynamic messages

All handler functions in #[handler_api] traits, and inside #[publish] inherent impl blocks will have a corresponding message struct generated for them. These structs can be used to dynamically invoke handlers using ixc_core::low_level::dynamic_invoke. Such structs can also be placed inside other structs and stored for later execution.

Creating new accounts

Accounts can be created in tests or by other accounts using the create_account function. This function must be parameterized with the handler type and the struct generated by its #[on_create] method, ex: create_account::<MyHandler>(&mut ctx, MyHandlerCreate { initial_value: 42 }).

Error Handling

All functions should return the Result type with an error message if the function fails. Error messages can be created using the error! macro, ex: Err(error!("Invalid input")), or the bail! or ensure! macros (similar to as in the anyhow crate). Result can also be parameterized with custom error codes. See the examples/ directory for more examples on usage.


The ixc_testing framework can be used for writing unit and integration tests for handlers and has support for mocking. See its documentation for more information as well as the examples/ directory for more examples on usage.


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