iter_tools is used at run time in 66 crates (of which 10 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 18 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 36 crates.

Number of dependers iter_tools version Downloads/month
22 0.24.0 4.2K
4 0.23.0 36
15 0.21.0 290
3 0.20.0 170
14 0.16.0 85
2 0.13.0 90
8 0.11.0 1
1 0.4.0 100
33 0.1.4 3.4K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) iter_tools version
1.2K 7 macro_tools ~0.24.0
1.1K 2 derive_tools_meta ~0.24.0
1.1K 1 former_meta ~0.24.0
1.0K 1 woptions_meta ~0.1
220 bevy_state_plugin_generator ^0.24.0
220 2 templito ^0.24.0
170 2 process_tools ~0.24.0
3 wca ~0.23.0
1 willbe ~0.23.0
optimization_tools ~0.4.0
dhat-to-flamegraph ^0.24.0
ssage ^0.1
1 graphs_tools ~0.21.0
translating-symbolic ^0.1.4
program_tools ~0.16.0
310 8 wtools optional ~0.1
1 deterministic_rand optional ~0.24.0
rmv-bevy-testing-tools optional ^0.24.0