1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Oct 10, 2019

#543 in Graphics APIs

ISC license


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Rust crate for ISO 15924 data, retrieved from unicode.org.

Data in the crate is updated every week from the table on unicode.org.

Also provided is a constant with the source URL of the data and parsing functionality to parse it, so that you can request the data yourself for the most up-to-date information.

What is ISO 15924?

ISO 15924, Codes for the representation of names of scripts, defines two sets of codes for a number of writing systems (scripts). Each script is given both a four-letter code and a numeric one. Script is defined as "set of graphic characters used for the written form of one or more languages".

-- Wikipedia


iso15924 requires at least Rust 1.34.

Add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml:


iso15924 = "0.1"


Retrieve a slice of all ScriptCode definitions:

use iso15924::ScriptCode;

fn main() {
    let scripts = ScriptCode::all();

    println!("Amount: {}", scripts.len());

Retrieve a ScriptCode by its number:

use iso15924::ScriptCode;

fn main() {
    let script = ScriptCode::by_num("412");

    if let Some(script) = script {
        println!("Script name: {}", script.name);

For more examples and information please look in the docs.


ISC. License info in LICENSE.md.

