Cargo Features

iroh-relay = { version = "0.33.0", default-features = false, features = ["server", "metrics", "test-utils"] }
default = metrics

The metrics feature is set by default whenever iroh-relay is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enables log, platform-verifier and runtime-tokio of iroh-quinn and clap, dashmap, governor ^0.7.0, and hickory-proto


server feature

and rcgen, regex, reloadable-state, rustls-cert-file-reader, rustls-cert-reloadable-resolver, rustls-pemfile, time, tokio-rustls-acme, tokio-tungstenite ^0.24, toml, and tracing-subscriber


keep version in sync with what tokio-tungstenite-wasm depends on

Affects iroh-relay::server

Required by the binary

metrics default

Enables metrics of iroh-metrics ^0.31


Enables counters and other metrics being tracked. If disabled, all counters return 0. Macros like inc! will do nothing.

Affects server::ServerConfig.metrics_addr


Affects server::testing