#ip-address #ip #geolocation #address


A small Rust library for getting the country code of IP addresses

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 20, 2023

#30 in #geolocation

Custom license



A small Rust library for getting the country code of IP addresses.


use ip2geo;
use std::net::IpAddr;

fn main() {
    let address: IpAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
    let country_code = ip2geo::search(address).unwrap().country;
    println!("{}", country_code);

Note on performance

The library takes a few seconds to parse the embedded binary data. After that, each search takes almost no time.

Compilation instructions

First, download the databases:

cd ipdb
sh download.sh

Then, turn them into a compressed binary for embedding:

cd download
cargo run


~44K SLoC