Cargo Features

iota-sdk = { version = "2.0.0-beta.1", default-features = false, features = ["std", "irc_30", "ledger_nano", "mqtt", "participation", "protocol_parameters_samples", "rocksdb", "serde", "storage", "stronghold", "tls", "events", "private_key_secret_manager", "client", "wallet", "fern-logger", "rand", "gloo-storage", "wasm-bindgen-futures"] }
default = client, tls, wallet

These default features are set whenever iota-sdk is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std client mqtt? protocol_parameters_samples?

Enables instant, std_rng of optional rand ^0.8.5, std of strum ^0.26.2 and optional regex, std of iota-crypto, packable, prefix-hex, primitive-types ^0.12.2, optional iota_stronghold, and optional once_cell and std of bech32 and bitflags


Mandatory dependencies

irc_27 irc_30 = serde

Enables url


Enables iota-ledger-nano

Affects secret::ledger_nano

mqtt = std, tls

Enables once_cell, regex, and rumqttc

Affects builder::ClientBuilder.broker_options, node_api::mqtt

participation = storage

Affects node_api::participation, types::participation

protocol_parameters_samples = std

Enables time

rocksdb = storage

Enables rocksdb ^0.21.0

Affects adapter::rocksdb

serde client irc_27? irc_30?

Enables serde_repr, serde_no_std of primitive-types ^0.12.2, serde of hashbrown ^0.14.3, iota-crypto, and packable, serde of optional zeroize

Affects payload::dto, signed_transaction::dto, tagged_data::dto, types::api, utils::serde

storage participation? rocksdb?

Enables once_cell and time, chacha of iota-crypto and anymap

Optional dependencies

Affects wallet::storage, options::StorageOptions, wallet::migration


Enables anymap, iota_stronghold, once_cell, and time, chacha of iota-crypto

Affects client::stronghold, secret::stronghold, types::StrongholdDto, migration::latest_backup_migration_version, wallet::migration

tls default mqtt?

Enables rustls-tls of optional reqwest, use-rustls of optional rumqttc


Affects wallet::events


Enables bs58

Affects secret::private_key

client default wallet = serde, std

Enables async-trait and futures, log, reqwest, thiserror ^1.0.58, tokio, url, and zeroize, bip39, bip39-en, keccak, random and slip10 of iota-crypto

Affects iota-sdk::client, serde::bip44, serde::mana_rewards, serde::option_mana_rewards

wallet default = client

Affects iota-sdk::wallet, iota-sdk::Wallet

Features from optional dependencies

fern-logger implicit feature

Enables fern-logger


Convenient and configurable multi-output logger

rand implicit feature

Enables rand ^0.8.5


Random number generators and other randomness functionality

Affects block::rand

gloo-storage wasm implicit feature

Enables gloo-storage


Convenience crate for working with local and session storage in browser

wasm-bindgen-futures wasm implicit feature

Enables wasm-bindgen-futures


Bridging the gap between Rust Futures and JavaScript Promises