Cargo Features

intvg has no features set by default.

intvg = { version = "0.1.7", features = ["ovg", "ugl", "b2d", "b2d_sfp", "ftg", "evg_fixed", "evg", "nvg"] }

Disable doctests as a workaround for doctest = false


Affects intvg::openvg


Affects intvg::microgl

b2d b2d_sfp?

Affects intvg::blend2d, intvg::render_b2d

b2d_sfp = b2d

Affects intvg::ftgrays

evg_fixed = evg

quite slow than floating point on Apple M1

evg evg_fixed?

Enables png

Affects intvg::gpac_evg, intvg::render_evg

nvg = femtovg, glutin, glutin-winit, raw-window-handle, winit

Required by the nanovg binary

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

winit nvg?

Enables winit ^0.29

femtovg nvg?
glutin not wasm32 nvg?

Enables glutin ^0.31

glutin-winit not wasm32 nvg?

Enables glutin-winit ^0.4

raw-window-handle not wasm32 nvg?

Enables raw-window-handle ^0.5