#constant #type #wrapper #const

no-std integral_constant

Type-level wrappers around constant values

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Sep 18, 2023

#374 in No standard library

49 downloads per month
Used in fixed-typed-arena




This crate provides type-level representations of constant values. The name integral_constant is a reference to std::integral_constant in C++, which serves a similar purpose. Unlike std::integral_constant, this crate provides separate wrapper types depending on the type of the constant value, since the type of const generics in Rust cannot depend on type parameters.


This crate provides type-level representations of constant values. The name integral_constant is a reference to std::integral_constant in C++, which serves a similar purpose. Unlike std::integral_constant, this crate provides separate wrapper types depending on the type of the constant value, since the type of const generics in Rust cannot depend on type parameters.

No runtime deps